Prompt engineering

Revision as of 22:51, 4 March 2023 by Alpha5 (talk | contribs)


Perplexity: This parameter measures the complexity of the text. Higher values will produce more intricate sentences and vocabulary. For example, a perplexity level of 1 may result in simple sentences and common words, whereas a level of 10 may result in convoluted sentences and obscure vocabulary.

Burstiness: This parameter measures the variation in sentence length and complexity. Higher values will produce text with a mix of long and short sentences, similar to human writing. For example, a burstiness level of 1 may result in text with mostly short and simple sentences, whereas a level of 10 may result in text with a mix of very long and very short sentences.

Professionalism: This parameter measures the formality of the text. Higher values will produce more formal language, suitable for professional settings. For example, a professionalism level of 1 may result in very informal language with slang and contractions, whereas a level of 10 may result in very formal language with complex sentence structures and technical vocabulary.

Randomness: This parameter measures the amount of randomness in the text. Higher values will produce more unpredictable and varied language. For example, a randomness level of 1 may result in text that follows a strict pattern, whereas a level of 10 may result in text that is almost completely random and nonsensical.

Sentimentality: This parameter measures the emotional content of the text. Higher values will produce text that is more sentimental and emotional in nature. For example, a sentimentality level of 1 may result in text that is completely neutral and emotionless, whereas a level of 10 may result in text that is very emotional and passionate.