
Revision as of 15:46, 19 March 2023 by Walle (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{see also|Machine learning terms}} ==Introduction== In the field of machine learning and data analysis, '''k-means''' is an unsupervised clustering algorithm that partitions a dataset into '''k''' distinct clusters. The algorithm aims to minimize the sum of squared distances between the data points and the centroids of their corresponding clusters. It is widely used for a variety of applications such as pattern recognition, image segmentation, and customer segmentation....")
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See also: Machine learning terms


In the field of machine learning and data analysis, k-means is an unsupervised clustering algorithm that partitions a dataset into k distinct clusters. The algorithm aims to minimize the sum of squared distances between the data points and the centroids of their corresponding clusters. It is widely used for a variety of applications such as pattern recognition, image segmentation, and customer segmentation.



The k-means algorithm starts by randomly selecting k initial centroids from the dataset. These centroids serve as the initial cluster centers, and their positions are updated iteratively as the algorithm proceeds.

Assignment Step

Each data point is assigned to the nearest centroid, forming a cluster. The distance between a data point and a centroid is typically calculated using the Euclidean distance or another distance metric.

Update Step

The centroids are recalculated by taking the mean of all data points assigned to their respective clusters. This step ensures that the centroids are updated to the center of the new clusters formed in the assignment step.


The assignment and update steps are repeated until the centroids' positions no longer change significantly or a predetermined number of iterations is reached. When convergence is achieved, the algorithm terminates, and the final cluster assignments are returned.

Advantages and Disadvantages


  • K-means is simple to implement and computationally efficient, making it suitable for large datasets.
  • It is guaranteed to converge, although the solution may be a local minimum rather than the global minimum.
  • The algorithm is highly adaptable and can be easily modified to incorporate additional constraints or requirements.


  • The user must specify the number of clusters (k) beforehand, which may not always be known or easily determined.
  • The algorithm is sensitive to the initial centroid positions, which can affect the quality of the final clustering.
  • K-means assumes that clusters are spherical and equally sized, which may not be true for some datasets.

Choosing the Optimal Number of Clusters

One challenge with k-means is selecting the appropriate number of clusters (k). Several methods can be used to estimate the optimal value of k, such as the Elbow method, the Silhouette coefficient, and the Gap statistic. These methods rely on various criteria, such as the within-cluster sum of squares (WCSS), the average silhouette score, or a comparison to a reference null distribution, to determine the most suitable number of clusters for a given dataset.

Explain Like I'm 5 (ELI5)

Imagine you have a bunch of different colored balls on the floor, and you want to group them by color. The k-means algorithm is like a smart robot that helps you do this. First, you tell the robot how many color groups (clusters) you want, and it randomly picks a ball from each group to represent that group's color.

Then, the robot looks at each ball and puts it in the group with the closest matching color. After all the balls are in groups, the robot checks the average color of each group and adjusts the representative color accordingly. It repeats this process until the groups don't change much anymore. At the end, you'll have all your balls neatly grouped by color.