Golden (ChatGPT Plugin)

Golden is a Plugin for ChatGPT.

Golden (ChatGPT Plugin)
Name Golden
Platform ChatGPT
Model GPT-4
Category Business
Description Get current factual data on companies from the Golden knowledge graph.
Release Date May 20, 2023
Available Yes
Working Yes


Example Prompts

Example prompts that utilize the plugin:

  1. What is the current valuation of Amazon as per the Golden knowledge graph?
  2. Who are the top 5 highest revenue generating companies in 2021?
  3. Provide the latest information on the ongoing development of Hyperloop technology.
  4. Which is the latest major acquisition done by Facebook?
  5. Can you tell me the net worth of Warren Buffett as per recent data?
  6. What is the current status of the European Space Agency's missions?
  7. Provide the latest data on renewable energy production in the United States.
  8. Who are the top 3 CEOs in terms of influence within the tech industry?
  9. What are the recent advances in artificial intelligence and machine learning by Google?
  10. Give me the latest update about the initiative to clean up the Great Pacific Garbage Patch.

Tips and Tricks


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