Media ChatGPT Plugins

See also: ChatGPT Plugins, ChatGPT Plugin Categories and Media
PluginImageModelRelease DateDescriptionAvailableWorking
ChatWithVideo (ChatGPT Plugin)ChatWithVideo.pngGPT-4May 21, 2023Ask questions, analyze, and parse through YouTube videos by simply providing a YouTube video URL.YesYes
SceneXplain (ChatGPT Plugin)SceneXplain.pngGPT-4May 28, 2023SceneXplain lets you attach images to your prompt. Explore image storytelling beyond pixels.YesYes
Shownotes (ChatGPT Plugin)Shownotes.jpgGPT-4June 4, 2023Turns long podcasts into quick summaries, finds specific info, highlights key points, and suggests new episodes.YesYes
Stories (ChatGPT Plugin)Stories.pngGPT-4June 4, 2023Create beautiful, illustrated stories easily.YesYes
Substack IQ (ChatGPT Plugin)Substack IQ.pngGPT-4May 31, 2023Search, analyze, & summarize Substack newsletters, retrieve articles, and discover new Substacks!YesYes