AskTheCode (GPT): Difference between revisions

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*'''GetRepositoryStructure''': This API helps in retrieving the file structure of a GitHub repository. It's useful for understanding the general layout or for finding specific files or directories within a repository.
*'''GetRepositoryContent''': Once the structure of a repository is known, this API is used to fetch the contents of specific files. This is particularly useful for examining the code, documentation, or any other contents within a repository.
*'''GetRepositoryCommitHistory''': This API retrieves the commit history for a specific file in a repository. It's useful for understanding the evolution of a file over time through its version history.
*'''GetRepositoryCommitOverview''': When detailed information about a specific commit is needed, this API provides an overview of the commit, including the author, date, message, and the list of files changed.
*'''GetRepositoryCommitChanges''': This API is used to get detailed information about the changes made in a specific commit, including additions, deletions, and modifications to the files.
*'''GetRepositoryIssue''': If there's a need to access details about a specific issue in a repository, this API allows retrieving the issue's title, body, and comments.
*'''PostRepositoryIssueComment''': This API enables posting comments on GitHub issues, facilitating interaction with issue threads directly from this platform.
*'''SearchCode''': When searching for specific code elements within a repository, this API comes into play. It can be used to find functions, classes, methods, and more.
*'''SearchIssues''': This is used for finding specific issues within a repository based on user-provided keywords.
*'''SearchCommits''': For queries related to finding specific commits in a repository, this API helps in locating them based on keywords.
*'''SearchRepositories''': When a user wants to find GitHub repositories, this API allows searching based on specified keywords.
