Candidate generation

See also: Machine learning terms

Candidate Generation in Machine Learning

Candidate generation is a critical process in machine learning (ML) that involves identifying a set of potential solutions, or "candidates," to solve a specific problem. This process is commonly used in various ML tasks, such as recommender systems, pattern mining, and search algorithms. The main goal of candidate generation is to efficiently explore the solution space and reduce computational complexity by pruning the search space of irrelevant or suboptimal candidates.

Approaches to Candidate Generation

There are several approaches to generating candidates in machine learning, including:

Heuristic-based Approaches

Heuristic-based approaches use domain-specific knowledge and human-designed rules to guide the generation of candidates. These rules, or heuristics, often help in identifying promising candidates by exploiting certain properties of the problem or dataset. A popular example is the Apriori algorithm used in frequent itemset mining, which leverages the downward closure property to reduce the search space.

Randomized Approaches

Randomized approaches explore the solution space by generating candidates through stochastic processes, such as random sampling or random mutations. These methods can provide a robust and flexible exploration of the solution space, particularly when little is known about the problem domain. Examples of randomized approaches include genetic algorithms and Monte Carlo methods.

Data-driven Approaches

Data-driven approaches leverage patterns and relationships in the data to guide the generation of candidates. Machine learning algorithms, such as neural networks, decision trees, and clustering algorithms, are often used to identify these patterns and relationships. These methods can be particularly effective when the data contains rich and complex structures that are difficult to capture with heuristics or random processes.

Challenges in Candidate Generation

Some of the challenges faced in candidate generation include:


Generating a large number of candidates can be computationally expensive, particularly for high-dimensional or large-scale problems. Efficient candidate generation methods must balance the trade-off between exploration and exploitation to ensure a manageable search space while still identifying high-quality solutions.


As datasets grow larger and more complex, the computational demands of candidate generation increase. Developing scalable candidate generation methods is essential for handling these large-scale problems and maintaining the effectiveness of machine learning algorithms.


The quality of the generated candidates has a significant impact on the performance of the machine learning algorithm. Low-quality candidates can lead to suboptimal solutions or increased computational costs, while high-quality candidates can improve the overall effectiveness of the algorithm.

Explain Like I'm 5 (ELI5)

Imagine you're trying to find the best toy in a huge toy store. Instead of looking at every single toy, which would take a long time, you want to quickly find a few toys that might be the best. In machine learning, this is called "candidate generation." We try to find a smaller group of possible answers (called "candidates") to solve a problem. We can use different ways to find these candidates, like using rules, picking some randomly, or learning from the data itself. This helps make machine learning faster and more efficient.