Independently and identically distributed (i.i.d)

See also: Machine learning terms


In the field of machine learning, the concept of independently and identically distributed (i.i.d) refers to a fundamental assumption about the nature of data used in statistical modeling and analysis. The i.i.d assumption is particularly important in the development of machine learning algorithms and their evaluation, as it affects the validity of the models and the accuracy of their predictions. The i.i.d assumption consists of two parts: independence and identical distribution.



The independence assumption states that the data points in a dataset are unrelated and do not influence each other. In mathematical terms, this means that the joint probability of observing a set of data points is equal to the product of their individual probabilities. If the data points are not independent, their relationships may introduce bias into the model and affect its performance.


Independence is a critical assumption in many statistical and machine learning techniques, such as linear regression, logistic regression, and support vector machines. When this assumption is violated, the model may suffer from issues such as multicollinearity, overfitting, and reduced generalizability. In such cases, it becomes necessary to use alternative modeling techniques or apply data preprocessing techniques, such as dimensionality reduction, to address the dependencies between the data points.

Identically Distributed


The identically distributed assumption posits that all data points in a dataset are drawn from the same underlying probability distribution. This implies that the data points share the same statistical properties, such as mean, variance, and higher-order moments. The assumption ensures that the model learns consistent patterns and relationships from the data, which in turn leads to more accurate and reliable predictions.


The identical distribution assumption is crucial for the performance of many machine learning algorithms, including naïve Bayes classifier, k-means clustering, and neural networks. If the data points are not identically distributed, the model may have difficulty in identifying the underlying patterns and relationships, leading to poor performance and generalizability. In such cases, techniques such as data normalization, standardization, and transformation may be employed to make the data more homogeneous and better suited for the algorithm.

Explain Like I'm 5 (ELI5)

Imagine you have a bag full of different colored marbles. You want to teach a friend about the marbles by showing them a few examples from the bag. For your friend to learn correctly, you need to make sure that you pick the marbles randomly (independence) and that the marbles you show have the same chance of being any color (identically distributed). If you do this, your friend will have a good idea of what the marbles in the bag look like.

In machine learning, the i.i.d assumption is like making sure we show our computer model the right examples (data points) so it can learn and make accurate predictions about new, unseen examples. If our data points are not independent or identically distributed, the model might not learn correctly and may make wrong predictions.