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See also: Machine learning terms


In machine learning, a layer is a set of neurons (nodes). Neural networks consist of multiple interconnected layers that work together to process input data and make predictions. Each layer performs specific computations on the input data, and its output serves as input for the subsequent layer.

Neurons -> Layers -> Neural Networks

Types of Layers in Neural Networks

Neural networks consist of several layers, each with its own specific properties and functions. Common examples of layers include:

How Layers Work in Neural Networks

Each layer in a neural network performs computations on data received from the previous layer. A layer's computation can be represented as the dot product of inputs and weights, followed by the application of an activation function. The outputs from a layer are then fed back into the next one in the network, with this cycle repeated until an accurate final output is produced. These weights and biases are learned by the network through training, where its parameters are updated in order to minimize loss functions that measure differences between predicted outputs and actual ones (labels).

How Layers are Structured in Neural Network

Input layer -> Hidden layer(s) -> Output layer

Neural networks consist of three layers: input layers, hidden layers and output. The input layer is the initial hub in the network and it receives input data before passing it along to the next. Conversely, the output layer produces the final output after processing all previous input data. Finally, hidden layers sit between input and output layers and perform most of the computation for a network.

Training a Neural Network

Training a neural network involves altering the weights and biases of neurons in each layer to minimize error between predicted output of the network and actual output. This is typically accomplished using backpropagation, which propagates error from one layer back through all others in turn and adjusts weights and biases accordingly.

During the training process, weights and biases in each layer are adjusted using an optimization algorithm such as stochastic gradient descent that minimizes errors. The optimization iteratively updates weights and biases until errors have been eliminated from each layer.

Explain Like I'm 5 (ELI5)

Picture yourself standing atop an enormous tower made up of building blocks. Each block can be seen as a layer in your machine learning model.

The bottom block serves as the input layer, providing the machine with all of the basic information it needs to make a decision. From there, each block on top adds more insight until finally, the very top block (output layer) makes its final judgment.

Just as building a tower with many blocks makes it stronger, having multiple layers in a machine learning model enhances its capacity for understanding and making decisions.