
See also: Machine learning terms


An optimizer in machine learning is an algorithm or method used to adjust the parameters of a model with the aim of minimizing the error or loss function during the training process. Optimizers guide the model in learning patterns from the data and making predictions as accurately as possible. They are a crucial component of machine learning algorithms, as they determine the effectiveness and efficiency of the learning process.

Types of Optimizers

There are various types of optimizers employed in machine learning. Some of the most common optimizers are:

Gradient Descent

Gradient Descent is the most basic optimization algorithm. It works by iteratively updating the model's parameters in the direction of the negative gradient of the loss function with respect to each parameter. This process is performed until convergence or a predetermined stopping criterion is reached.

Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD)

Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) is a variant of gradient descent, which updates the parameters using a random sample of data at each iteration instead of the entire dataset. This results in faster convergence and a reduced computational cost, although it may exhibit more fluctuations in the learning process compared to the standard gradient descent.


Momentum is an optimization technique that helps accelerate the convergence of gradient-based algorithms. It incorporates an additional term, called the momentum term, which takes into account the previous update direction. This allows the algorithm to gain speed in the correct direction and avoid oscillations, leading to faster convergence and more stable training.

Adaptive Optimizers

Adaptive optimizers, such as AdaGrad, RMSprop, and Adam, adapt the learning rate for each parameter during the training process. These algorithms automatically adjust the learning rate based on the magnitude of the gradients, making them more efficient and robust compared to the previously mentioned optimizers.

Factors to Consider When Choosing an Optimizer

Selecting the right optimizer for a specific machine learning problem depends on various factors, such as:

  • The complexity of the model and the dataset
  • The presence of noise in the data
  • The type of loss function used
  • Computational resources available
  • The desired level of accuracy and convergence speed

It is essential to experiment with different optimizers and their hyperparameters to achieve the best results for a given problem.

Explain Like I'm 5 (ELI5)

In machine learning, an optimizer is like a teacher that helps a model (the student) learn from the data. The optimizer adjusts the model's "knowledge" to make better predictions. There are different types of optimizers, just like there are different teaching methods. Some optimizers learn from the entire dataset, while others use only a small part of it at a time. Some optimizers can even adapt and change how they teach during the learning process. Choosing the best optimizer depends on the problem being solved, the data, and the resources available.