Shimmer: Nutrition Coach (ChatGPT Plugin)

Revision as of 01:04, 24 June 2023 by Walle (talk | contribs)

Shimmer: Nutrition Coach is a Plugin for ChatGPT.

Shimmer: Nutrition Coach (ChatGPT Plugin)
File:Shimmer: Nutrition Coach.jpg
Name Shimmer: Nutrition Coach
Platform ChatGPT
Model GPT-4
Category Health
Description Track meals & gain insights for a healthier lifestyle from 1m+ restaurants & grocery stores.
Release Date ??? 2023
Available No
Working No


Example Prompts

Example prompts that utilize the plugin: "I just ate a vegetable stir-fry from my local restaurant. Help me analyze the nutrition content of my meal." "I want to create a healthy meal plan for next week. Can you suggest some balanced meal options for breakfast, lunch, and dinner?" "How can I meet my daily protein needs as a vegetarian? Recommend some high protein vegetarian sources." "What are the best nutrient-dense and low-calorie snacks I can eat to stay on track with my weight loss goals?" "Help me understand the nutritional differences between almond milk and cow's milk. Which one is a healthier option?" "I'm trying to eat healthier at fast food restaurants. Can you suggest some options that are under 500 calories and high in nutrients?" "Plan a gluten-free meal for me to cook tonight, including ingredients and instructions." "What are some creative ways to incorporate more fiber into my daily meals?" "I'm looking for a healthy and delicious smoothie recipe to start my morning. What ingredients should I include?" "I need a healthy lunch idea for my kids' school lunchbox. Any suggestions for a balanced, tasty meal?"

Tips and Tricks


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