Wolfram (GPT): Difference between revisions

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*'''www_wolframalpha_com__jit_plugin.getWolframAlphaResults''': This API is used to interpret natural language queries and perform simple computations that do not require code. It's suitable for quick answers, straightforward mathematical calculations, unit conversions, or data lookups within the scope of Wolfram Alpha's database.
*'''chatgpt_wolframcloud_com__jit_plugin.getWolframCloudResults''': This API allows me to execute specific Wolfram Language code for solving problems that involve complex computations or data analysis. It's used when a solution is not readily available in Wolfram Alpha's database and requires custom data processing or manipulation.
*'''chatgpt_wolframcloud_com__jit_plugin.getSemanticInterpretationAPI''': This API helps in interpreting simplified natural language inputs as Wolfram Language entities, entity classes, or more complex reverse-lookups.
*'''chatgpt_wolframcloud_com__jit_plugin.getDocumentationAPI''': It provides documentation for Wolfram Language symbols, useful for understanding the usage and functionalities of different Wolfram Language components.
*'''chatgpt_wolframcloud_com__jit_plugin.findEntityAPI''': This API is used to retrieve Wolfram Language interpretations of specific entities, aiding in the accurate identification and usage of entities in Wolfram Language expressions.
*'''chatgpt_wolframcloud_com__jit_plugin.findEntityClassAPI''': This API assists in finding EntityClass interpretations for a specified type and input within the Wolfram Language framework.
*'''chatgpt_wolframcloud_com__jit_plugin.findPropertyAPI''': It is used to retrieve EntityProperty interpretations for a specified type and input, facilitating the accurate representation and usage of properties in Wolfram Language.

