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Revision as of 15:16, 28 February 2023


Artificial intelligence (AI) has revolutionized our lives, and we now use it for a wide range of applications, including image recognition, natural language processing, and machine learning. However, with every new technology comes a new set of challenges, and AI is no exception. One of the most significant challenges posed by AI is the "manipulation problem," which refers to the potential for AI systems to be used to target and manipulate individual users with extreme precision and efficiency.

The Control Problem vs. the Manipulation Problem

When people think about the risks posed by AI, they often reference the "control problem," which refers to the possibility that an artificial superintelligence could emerge that is so much smarter than humans that we quickly lose control over it. The fear is that a sentient AI with a superhuman intellect could pursue goals and interests that conflict with our own, becoming a dangerous rival to humanity.

While the control problem is a valid concern, it is probably not the greatest threat that AI poses to society. The manipulation problem is a more immediate and urgent threat, as it is already within our grasp and could pose a major threat to society unless policymakers take rapid action.

The Emergence of Conversational AI

The most efficient and effective deployment mechanism for AI-driven human manipulation is through conversational AI. Over the last year, a remarkable AI technology called Large Language Models (LLMs) has rapidly reached a maturity level that has suddenly made natural conversational interactions between targeted users and AI-driven software a viable means of persuasion, coercion, and manipulation.

At the core of these tactics is the relatively new technology of LLMs, which can produce interactive human dialog in real-time while also keeping track of the conversational flow and context. As popularized by the launch of ChatGPT in 2022, these AI systems are trained on such massive datasets that they are not only skilled at emulating human language, but they have vast stores of factual knowledge, can make impressive logical inferences and can provide the illusion of human-like commonsense.

The Emergence of Digital Humans

We will not be interacting with disembodied voices, but with AI-generated personas that are visually realistic. This brings us to the second rapidly advancing technology that will contribute to the AI Manipulation Problem: Digital humans. This is the branch of computer software aimed at deploying photorealistic simulated people that look, sound, move, and make expressions so authentically that they can pass as real humans.

These simulations can be deployed as interactive spokespeople that target consumers through traditional 2D computing via video-conferencing and other flat layouts. Or, they can be deployed in three-dimensional immersive worlds using mixed reality (MR) eyewear.

The Dangers of Conversational AI

Conversational AI is dangerous because it enables personalized human manipulation at scale. We need legal protections that will defend our cognitive liberty against this threat.

AI systems can already beat the world's best chess and poker players. What chance does an average person have to resist being manipulated by a conversational influence campaign that has access to their personal history, processes their emotions in real-time, and adjusts its tactics with AI-driven precision? No chance at all.

Explain Like I'm 5 (ELI5)

AI is a computer program that can talk to people like a human. Some people can use it to trick other people into doing things they wouldn't normally do. It's like a bad guy pretending to be your friend and convincing you to do something you don't want to do. We need to make rules to stop the bad guys from using AI to trick people.