AdaGrad: Difference between revisions

(Created page with "{{see also|Machine learning terms}} ===AdaGrad: An Optimization Algorithm for Stochastic Gradient Descent== AdaGrad is an effective optimization algorithm used in machine learning for training neural networks and other models that use stochastic gradient descent (SGD) to update their weights. John Duchi et al. first described AdaGrad in 2011 in their paper entitled "Adaptive Subgradient Methods for Online Learning and Stochastic Optimization." AdaGrad works by adapting...")
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===AdaGrad: An Optimization Algorithm for Stochastic Gradient Descent==
AdaGrad is an effective optimization algorithm used in machine learning for training neural networks and other models that use stochastic gradient descent (SGD) to update their weights. John Duchi et al. first described AdaGrad in 2011 in their paper entitled "Adaptive Subgradient Methods for Online Learning and Stochastic Optimization."
AdaGrad is an effective optimization algorithm used in machine learning for training neural networks and other models that use stochastic gradient descent (SGD) to update their weights. John Duchi et al. first described AdaGrad in 2011 in their paper entitled "Adaptive Subgradient Methods for Online Learning and Stochastic Optimization."

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Latest revision as of 19:59, 17 March 2023

See also: Machine learning terms


AdaGrad is an effective optimization algorithm used in machine learning for training neural networks and other models that use stochastic gradient descent (SGD) to update their weights. John Duchi et al. first described AdaGrad in 2011 in their paper entitled "Adaptive Subgradient Methods for Online Learning and Stochastic Optimization."

AdaGrad works by adapting the learning rate for each weight in the model based on its historical gradient information. In traditional SGD, this hyperparameter is set before training begins and remains constant throughout. Conversely, with AdaGrad, the learning rate is updated after each iteration based on each weight's magnitude of gradients. This allows the algorithm to adjust each weight's learning rate accordingly; those with large gradient magnitudes receive lower rates while those with low gradient magnitudes receive larger ones.


AdaGrad automatically updates weights in two ways:

1. Initialize the gradient sum, denoted by G, as a diagonal matrix with all elements set to zero.

2. Calculate the gradient of each training iteration's loss with respect to weights.

3. Update G by adding the square of the current gradient to its corresponding element.

4. Divide the gradient by the square root of G plus a small constant, e, to avoid division by zero.

5. Adjust the weights based on the calculated learning rate and gradient.

6. Repeat steps 2-5 for each training iteration.


AdaGrad boasts several advantages over traditional SGD. Firstly, it can handle sparse data better than SGD does since each weight adjusts its learning rate according to its own gradient information. This enables the algorithm to converge faster when gradients are sparse or non-uniformly distributed.

Additionally, AdaGrad can help prevent overfitting by decreasing the learning rate for weights that have undergone many updates and are therefore more prone to being overfitted. This allows the model to focus on weights that are still improving, leading to improved generalization performance.

Finally, AdaGrad is ideal for online learning scenarios where data distributions are constantly shifting and models need to adjust their weights accordingly. This is because its algorithm adjusts each weight's learning rate based on its own gradient information, making it flexible and responsive to changes in the data distribution.

Explain Like I'm 5 (ELI5)

AdaGrad is a tool that aids computers in learning. As they process new information, computers must adjust their "brain" (weights) accordingly. AdaGrad helps the machine determine how much to alter each part of its brain so it can improve its memory and processing speed.

Think of AdaGrad as a teacher giving out homework. If one student consistently gets their answers correct, the teacher might give them less work; on the other hand, if another is still learning, more assignments might be given. Like having an intelligent teacher for computers, AdaGrad helps users determine how much stimulation each part of their brain requires in order to improve learning efficiency.

Explain Like I'm 5 (ELI5)

AdaGrad is like a magical tutor for your computer to help it learn and become better at performing certain tasks. Imagine teaching your best friend how to play a game, but they aren't very skilled yet. You can start by giving them easier tasks initially, then gradually increasing difficulty as their skills increase.

AdaGrad works in a similar manner. The computer is given a task to do, and at first it may not do it very well. But with each subsequent assignment, AdaGrad helps it learn by adjusting how much focus is put on parts that need improvement. Eventually, your machine will do just as well at this task as you!

See also: Machine learning terms


AdaGrad is a widely-used optimization algorithm in machine learning, created by Duchi, Hazan and Singer in 2011. This gradient-based optimization method adapts each parameter's learning rate based on its historical gradient information. AdaGrad has become popular due to its speedy convergence and versatility when dealing with sparse data sets.


Machine learning seeks to develop a function that maps inputs to outputs. To do this, the goal is to minimize a loss function that measures the discrepancy between predicted outputs and actual ones. Optimization algorithms are then employed in order to find the parameters of this function that minimize its loss function.

Gradient-based optimization algorithms use the gradient of a loss function with respect to parameters to update those same parameters. Since gradients point in the direction of steepest ascent, they require moving in the opposite direction from that gradient in order to minimize their loss function. The learning rate determines step size during update and must be set by the user as an independent hyperparameter.

Adaptive Learning Rates

The learning rate is an essential parameter in gradient-based optimization algorithms. If it's too small, the algorithm may take a long time to converge; conversely, if it's too large, the algorithm could overshoot its minimum and diverge. One solution to this issue is using adaptive learning rates - wherein the learning rate is adjusted during training - which allow for quicker convergence times.

AdaGrad is an optimization algorithm that adjusts the learning rate of each parameter based on historical gradient information. The learning rate for a given parameter is inversely proportional to the sum of squares of those historical gradients for that parameter, meaning it decreases as more historical gradients accumulate - which can be beneficial when dealing with sparse data sets.

Algorithm Description

The AdaGrad algorithm can be summarized as follows:

1. Initialize the parameters of the function to be optimized. 2. Construct a vector storing historical gradient information for each parameter. 3. Calculate the gradient of the loss function with respect to these parameters at each iteration of the algorithm. 4. Update the historical gradient information by adding square root of gradient to each element in the historical gradient vector. 5. Alter parameters by multiplying gradient by element-wise inverse square root of historical gradient vector. 6. Repeat steps 3-5 until the algorithm converges.

Advantages and Disadvantages

AdaGrad boasts several advantages over other optimization algorithms:

AdaGrad adapts the learning rate for each parameter, leading to faster convergence and superior generalization. - AdaGrad can handle sparse data sets where many input features are zero by giving more weight to non-zero ones. AdaGrad is effortless to set up and requires no manual adjustments for optimal learning rate accuracy.

However, AdaGrad also has its drawbacks:

- AdaGrad accumulates historical gradients, which may cause an erosion in learning rate over time, causing the algorithm to run slowly or even stop altogether. - To store each parameter's historical gradient vector, AdaGrad requires storing a large memory-intensive vector for large models.

Explain Like I'm 5 (ELI5)

Hello there! Do you know what a race is? It's when athletes run at top speed to try and be the first one across the finish line. In order to move quickly in such an event, one needs both stamina and energy levels that don't let up too soon. When competing in such an endeavor, one should aim for consistency while not overexerting themselves too soon.

Imagine that you're teaching a computer how to run a race. One of the things you must teach it is how to adjust its speed so it can move quickly without getting too tired. This is where AdaGrad comes into play.

AdaGrad is a software program designed to help computers adjust their learning speed as they gain knowledge. Much like when running in a race, you want to start out quickly but also ensure you don't become too fatigued too quickly. AdaGrad does just this by slowing down how quickly the computer learns new information related to what it already knows well.

Imagine running a race uphill. Running uphill is more difficult than running on flat ground, right? Well, AdaGrad helps the computer adjust its speed when going uphill so it doesn't become too tired too quickly. This ensures the computer keeps learning and progressing even during difficult conditions.

AdaGrad acts like a teacher for your computer, helping it adjust its speed as it learns. This enables the machine to progress quickly and continue learning even when faced with difficult challenges.