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See also: Machine learning terms


Underfitting occurs when a model hasn't fully captured the underlying patterns in data. An underfit model predicts new data poorly. Things that can cause underfitting:

What is Underfitting?

Underfitting occurs when a model is too simplistic or has too few parameters, leading to high bias and low variance. This indicates that the model was not complex enough to capture all relevant patterns in data, leading to poor performance on both training and test data sets. Furthermore, key features or relationships between features may have been overlooked that are essential for making accurate predictions.

Causes of Underfitting

Underfitting can be caused by several factors, such as using a model that's too simple, not having relevant features in the dataset, and not having enough training data. When the model is too simplistic, it may not be able to capture all of the complexities present in data - leading to poor performance. Furthermore, lacking relevant features gives rise to underfitting since there may not be enough information present for accurate prediction. Finally, lacking sufficient training data leaves your model without enough insight to learn patterns hidden within it.

Signs of Underfitting

Underfitting a model can be detected through several signs. One common indicator is a high training error, which indicates the model cannot accurately predict the outcomes from training data. Another potential warning sign is high bias; this implies the model is too simplistic to capture all patterns present. Lastly, low variance may also be indicative of underfitting as it fails to capture variability within data.

How to Overcome Underfitting

Underfitting in machine learning can be overcome through several techniques. One approach involves using a more complex model, such as a neural network that has more parameters and better captures the underlying complexity of data. Another alternative is using larger datasets which will enable the model to learn complex patterns from real world examples. Finally, adding relevant features to the dataset may also aid predictions made by the model with greater accuracy.

Explain Like I'm 5 (ELI5)

Underfitting is like trying to guess the contents of a toy box with only one hand; if you can't grab all the toys, your guess might not be accurate. Similarly, if a computer model is too simple or lacks sufficient information, it might struggle with guessing the correct answer as well. In order to improve its accuracy, give it more details, use a more complex model, or provide it with additional examples from which it can learn.

Explain Like I'm 5 (ELI5)

Imagine you own a toy car that you can control with a remote.

Imagine you have a remote with two buttons; one for forward movement and the other for reverse.

Now, if you press the forward button only slightly, your car may not move at all. That's because you didn't press it hard enough.

Underfitting in machine learning is similar to underfitting, where a model is too simple and lacks sufficient power to make accurate predictions on new data.

As with pressing the forward button enough to make the car move, a machine learning model must be complex enough to make accurate predictions.

A model that is too simple may not be able to capture all relevant patterns in data, leading to lower accuracy when making predictions.

Just as pressing the forward button enough to move a car requires enough complexity for machine learning models to accurately predict outcomes.