Dropout regularization

See also: Machine learning terms

Dropout Regularization in Machine Learning

Dropout regularization is a technique used in machine learning to prevent overfitting in neural networks. Overfitting occurs when a model learns to perform well on the training data but fails to generalize to unseen data. This article discusses the concept of dropout regularization, its implementation, and its advantages in the context of neural networks.


Dropout regularization is a stochastic method that aims to improve the generalization capability of a neural network. It was introduced by Geoffrey Hinton and his collaborators in 2012. The main idea behind dropout is to randomly "drop" or deactivate a certain percentage of neurons in a layer during training, effectively forcing the network to learn redundant representations. This process helps the model to become less sensitive to noise and more robust to variations in the input data.


Dropout is typically applied to the hidden layers of a neural network, although it can also be used in input layers. During each training iteration, neurons are randomly chosen to be dropped with a probability 'p', called the dropout rate. The dropped neurons do not contribute to the forward propagation or backpropagation steps, and their weights are not updated during that iteration.

In practice, dropout can be implemented by applying a binary mask to the layer output, where the mask is generated by sampling from a Bernoulli distribution with probability 'p'. After training, during the inference phase, dropout is not applied, and the output of each neuron is scaled by a factor of '1-p' to account for the fact that all neurons are active.


Dropout regularization offers several benefits for training neural networks:

  • Reduced Overfitting: By randomly dropping neurons, dropout forces the model to rely on different sets of neurons during training, which prevents over-dependence on specific neurons and reduces overfitting.
  • Implicit Model Averaging: Dropout can be seen as a form of model averaging, where multiple smaller networks are trained within the same larger network, and their predictions are combined during inference.
  • Simpler and Faster Training: Compared to other regularization techniques, such as L1 or L2 regularization, dropout is computationally less expensive and requires fewer hyperparameters to be tuned.

Explain Like I'm 5 (ELI5)

Imagine you're playing a game with a group of friends where you have to solve puzzles together. However, some of your friends can't be there every time you play. So, you learn to work with whoever is available and still solve the puzzles. This is similar to dropout regularization in a neural network.

In a neural network, there are many "friends" (neurons) working together to solve a problem (make predictions). Dropout regularization is like randomly telling some of the friends not to participate, so the remaining friends have to learn to work together without them. This way, the network becomes better at solving problems even when some of its "friends" are missing, making it more robust and better at generalizing to new data.