
See also: Machine learning terms


In the realm of machine learning, tf.Example is a standard data serialization format employed by the TensorFlow framework, which is an open-source library developed by the Google Brain Team. The primary purpose of tf.Example is to facilitate the storage and exchange of data across diverse machine learning pipelines. This data structure efficiently represents data as a collection of key-value pairs, making it a widely-adopted choice for handling large-scale, complex datasets.

Structure of tf.Example


The fundamental unit within the tf.Example data structure is the Feature. A Feature represents a single attribute of the data and can hold one of the following data types:

  • Integers (as a list of 64-bit integers)
  • Floats (as a list of 32-bit floats)
  • Bytes (as a list of byte strings)


A Features object is a collection of key-value pairs, where each key is a string representing the attribute's name and the value is a corresponding Feature. The Features object serves as the primary means of organizing data within the tf.Example format.


The tf.Example data structure is a container that stores a single instance of data using the Features object. Each instance can consist of multiple attributes, and the tf.Example format ensures efficient storage and retrieval of these attributes.

Usage of tf.Example

The tf.Example format is particularly useful for machine learning applications because it provides a standardized way of representing diverse datasets, making it easier to share and process data across different projects. Additionally, it seamlessly integrates with TensorFlow's data processing pipeline, allowing users to leverage the built-in functionality for data preprocessing, augmentation, and batching.

In practice, tf.Example is often used in the following scenarios:

  • Storing training and evaluation datasets for machine learning models
  • Exchanging data between different stages of a machine learning pipeline
  • Sharing datasets with other researchers and practitioners

Explain Like I'm 5 (ELI5)

Imagine you want to organize your toy collection. You have different types of toys like cars, dolls, and Legos. To keep everything neat and tidy, you use a box with compartments. Each compartment can hold one type of toy.

In machine learning, tf.Example is like that box. It helps you organize different pieces of information (like numbers, words, and more) in a neat and tidy way. This makes it easy for the computer to understand and use the information when it is trying to learn something new.