Mindart (ChatGPT Plugin)

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Mindart (ChatGPT Plugin)
Name Mindart
Platform ChatGPT
Model GPT-4
Category Employment
Description Career test to help you find your dream job, with automation risk and average salary.
Release Date May 31, 2023
Available Yes
Working Yes

Mindart is a Plugin for ChatGPT.


Example Prompts

Example prompts that utilize the plugin:

  1. Which occupations would be ideal for someone who is a '$Type1' and '$Type2' personality type?
  2. What are some fitting career choices for a person with a '$Type1' and '$Type2' personality?
  3. List job possibilities for individuals with '$Type1' and '$Type2' personality traits.
  4. Suggest compatible careers for someone with a '$Type1' and '$Type2' personality.
  5. What job opportunities would be attractive to a person with a '$Type1' and '$Type2' personality?
  6. Find suitable vocations for a person with a '$Type1' and '$Type2' character.
  7. What types of employment would be ideal for someone with a '$Type1' and '$Type2' personality?
  8. Explore recommended career options for someone who has a '$Type1' and '$Type2' personality.
  9. What professions best align with a person with a '$Type1' and '$Type2' temperament?
  10. Identify career opportunities for a person who has a '$Type1' and '$Type2' personality based on the RIASEC model.

Tips and Tricks


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