Sic (ChatGPT Plugin)

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Sic (ChatGPT Plugin)
Name sic
Platform ChatGPT
Model GPT-4
Category Finance
Description Explore prices, accounts and transactions on Ethereum.
Release Date June 11, 2023
Available Yes
Working Yes

sic is a Plugin for ChatGPT.


Example Prompts

Example prompts that utilize the plugin:

  1. Calculate the total amount spent in gas fees for the Ethereum wallet with the following address: {eth_wallet_address}.
  2. Determine the average gas price used in transactions from the Ethereum wallet with the following address: {eth_wallet_address}.
  3. Find all transactions from the Ethereum wallet with the following address: {eth_wallet_address} between {start_date} and {end_date}.
  4. Fetch the total supply and current market cap for the following Ethereum token: {eth_token}.
  5. Provide the network statistics such as active nodes, total block count, and latest block number for the Ethereum blockchain.
  6. Monitor the Ethereum wallet with the following address: {eth_wallet_address} for incoming transactions and notify when a new transaction is detected.
  7. Estimate the gas price for a normal and fast transaction on the Ethereum network at the moment.
  8. Retrieve the top {number_of_tokens} Ethereum tokens by market capitalization.
  9. Fetch the total transaction count and unique addresses interacting with the contract at {contract_address}.
  10. Identify the largest transactions, in value, for the following Ethereum token: {eth_token} in the past {number_of_days} days.

Tips and Tricks


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