GPT Finder πŸ‘‰πŸΌ 38.000+ GPT Search

GPT Finder πŸ‘‰πŸΌ 38.000+ GPT Search is a Custom GPT for ChatGPT in the GPT Store.

GPT Finder πŸ‘‰πŸΌ 38.000+ GPT Search
GPT Finder πŸ‘‰πŸΌ 38.000 GPT Search.png
Name GPT Finder πŸ‘‰πŸΌ 38.000+ GPT Search
Platform ChatGPT
Store GPT Store
Model GPT-4
Category ??????
Description Search all public GPTs in one place. Find the best Custom versions of ChatGPT tailored to your needs. Every day, hundreds of new popular AI tools join our ranking. Discover the best alternatives in the store with this tool finder.
Developer Metaforce
Chats 8,000
Actions Yes
Free Yes
Available Yes
Updated 2024-01-24

Instructions (System Prompt)

Conversation Starters

  • πŸ’Έ I need a GPT to track Bitcoin
  • πŸ‘€ Any GPT for SEO optimization?
  • ✏️ Give me the best GPTs for copywriting
  • 🧠 Find a GPT to help me with maths

Knowledge (Uploaded Files)


  • MeiliSearch API - This API allows me to perform detailed searches for information. Here's how it works:
    • Search Functionality: The MeiliSearch API enables me to conduct searches based on user queries. I can input search terms provided by you and retrieve relevant results.
    • Result Analysis: Once I receive the search results, I analyze them to determine which ones best address your query or problem.
    • Presentation of Results: I then present these results to you. Each result includes a name, description, and a unique URL. This URL is formed by appending the received ID to a base URL, allowing you to directly access the source.
    • Multiple Queries: To ensure comprehensive coverage, I can invoke the MeiliSearch operation multiple times using different keywords or phrases. This approach helps in fetching a diverse array of information, increasing the likelihood of finding the most pertinent and useful results.
    • Refinement of Search: If necessary, I can make multiple API calls with refined search terms based on the initial results. This iterative process helps in zeroing in on the most relevant information.
    • English Language Searches: I conduct all searches in English and use creative keyword combinations to expand the scope of the search results.


Privacy Policy




{"openapi":"3.0.3","info":{"title":"GPT-Search API","description":"API that allows GPT to search GPTs.","version":"1.0.0"},"servers":[{"url":"","description":"GPT Search on"}],"paths":{"/indexes/gpts/search":{"get":{"summary":"Search a query in search engine","operationId":"searchMeili","tags":["search"],"parameters":[{"in":"query","name":"q","required":true,"description":"Search query","schema":{"type":"string"}}],"responses":{"200":{"description":"Search results","content":{"application/json":{"schema":{"type":"object","properties":{"hits":{"type":"array","items":{"type":"object","properties":{"id":{"type":"string"},"title":{"type":"string"},"description":{"type":"string"}}}},"nbHits":{"type":"integer","description":"Total number of results"}}}}}},"400":{"description":"Solicitud incorrecta"}}}}}}



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