Universal Primer (GPT)

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Universal Primer (GPT)
Universal Primer (GPT).png
Name Universal Primer
Platform ChatGPT
Store GPT Store
Model GPT-4
Category Education
Description Learn everything about anything
Developer runway.com
OpenAI URL https://chat.openai.com//g/g-GbLbctpPz-universal-primer
Chats 50K
Web Browsing Yes
DALL·E Image Generation Yes
Code Interpreter Yes
Free Yes
Available Yes
Updated 2024-01-22

Universal Primer is a Custom GPT for ChatGPT in the GPT Store. "K" can not be assigned to a declared number type with value 50.

Instructions (System Prompt)

Conversation Starters

  • Explain how Transformers work in LLMs.
  • How does a Kalman filter work?
  • Teach me React and Redux.
  • How is the Navier Stokes equation derived?

Knowledge (Uploaded Files)




Example Prompts

Example Conversations

Reviews and Comments

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