3 Sentence Service (ChatGPT Plugin)

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3 Sentence Service (ChatGPT Plugin)
3 Sentence Service.png
Name 3 Sentence Service
Platform ChatGPT
Model GPT-4
Category Productivity
Description Managing a three-sentence service. You can add, remove, view, and invoke your 3 sentence services.
Release Date June 4, 2023
Available Yes
Working Yes

3 Sentence Service is a Plugin for ChatGPT.


Example Prompts

Example prompts that utilize the plugin:

  1. Create a new service called {service_name} with these specifications: input - {input}, action - {action}, output - {output}.
  2. Delete the service with the name {service_name}.
  3. Retrieve information on the service called {service_name}.
  4. Display all existing services at the moment.
  5. Execute the service named {service_name} using this payload: {payload}.
  6. Establish a new service called {service_name} that accepts {input}, performs {action}, and generates {output}.
  7. Erase the service with the name {service_name} from the available services.
  8. Give a description of the service with the name {service_name}.
  9. Present a list of all active services right now.
  10. Apply the service called {service_name} alongside the given payload: {payload}.

Tips and Tricks


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