Bitcoin Sentiment (ChatGPT Plugin)

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Bitcoin Sentiment (ChatGPT Plugin)
Bitcoin Sentiment.png
Name Bitcoin Sentiment
Platform ChatGPT
Model GPT-4
Category Cryptocurrency
Description Track the current price of Bitcoin and the market sentiment based on the last 20 news media mentions!
Release Date May 31, 2023
Available Yes
Working Yes

Bitcoin Sentiment is a Plugin for ChatGPT.


Example Prompts

Example prompts that utilize the plugin:

  1. What is the recent Bitcoin price in USD and how are the last 20 news media mentions perceiving it?
  2. Please provide the current Bitcoin value and the sentiment based on recent news coverage.
  3. I need an update on Bitcoin. What's its current price and what are the media's thoughts on it?
  4. Could you inform me about the latest Bitcoin price and the sentiment of recent news mentions?
  5. I'm interested in the current Bitcoin value and how it's being discussed in the news. Can you provide that information?
  6. Please tell me the latest Bitcoin price and the sentiment in the the last 20 news media mentions.
  7. What's the Bitcoin price at the moment, and how is it being perceived in recent news articles?
  8. I'd like to get an update on Bitcoin's value and the media sentiment based on the last 20 news items.
  9. Can you provide the current Bitcoin price and the prevailing sentiment from recent news articles?
  10. What's the latest Bitcoin price, and how is the market sentiment according to the last 20 news media mentions?

Tips and Tricks


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