Cars ChatGPT Plugins

From AI Wiki
See also: ChatGPT Plugins, ChatGPT Plugin Categories and Cars
PluginImageModelRelease DateDescriptionAvailableWorking
Ask Cars (ChatGPT Plugin)Ask Cars.jpegGPT-4June 14, 2023Ask about car issues and get answers based on verified complaints to government agencies & public forums.YesYes
CoPilot (ChatGPT Plugin)CoPilot.pngGPT-4June 11, 2023Search, analyze, and rank every car from every dealer, making car buying more confident.YesYes
Modeal (ChatGPT Plugin)Modeal.jpgGPT-4June 19, 2023Exploring car recommendations, car information, and monthly payments through the Korean car sales service '모두가딜러'.YesYes