Comparison (ChatGPT Plugin)

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Comparison (ChatGPT Plugin)
Name Comparison
Platform ChatGPT
Model GPT-4
Category E-Commerce
Description Advanced e-commerce tool providing robust capabilities for efficient product search and accurate price comparison.
Release Date June 11, 2023
Available Yes
Working Yes

Comparison is a Plugin for ChatGPT.


Example Prompts

Example prompts that utilize the plugin:

  1. Locate the best-reviewed ${product_name} under ${price_limit}.
  2. Identify the top 5 most affordable ${product_name} options.
  3. Find me ${product_name} deals from ${specific_brand} for under ${price_limit}.
  4. Search for ${product_name} on sale or with discounts.
  5. Find me a ${product_name} bundle deal that includes ${additional_product}.
  6. Compare and list the top 3 ${product_name} options within a ${price_range} budget.
  7. Locate the cheapest ${product_name} with free shipping options.
  8. Find me a ${product_name} with a ${warranty_duration} warranty for under ${price_limit}.
  9. Search for ${product_name} on ${specific_website_url} and provide the top 5 results ranked by price.
  10. Find me a ${product_name} model with ${specific_feature} within the ${price_range} budget.

Tips and Tricks


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