Forex-Rates (ChatGPT Plugin)

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Forex-Rates (ChatGPT Plugin)
Name Forex-Rates
Platform ChatGPT
Model GPT-4
Category Finance
Description Forex Rates: Price analysis for currency markets. Gain insights, sentiment evaluation, and text completion.
Release Date June 11, 2023
Available Yes
Working Yes

Forex-Rates is a Plugin for ChatGPT.


Example Prompts

Example prompts that utilize the plugin:

  1. Identify technical indicators commonly used for the {currency_pair} during {time_period} analysis.
  2. What is the correlation between the {currency_pair} and {commodity_name} since {date}?
  3. Evaluate the impact of the recent {economic_event_name} on the {currency_pair}.
  4. Provide a summary of price action for the {currency_pair} with focus on major support and resistance levels from the past {time_period}.
  5. Analyze the impact of potential interest rate changes on the {currency_pair} for the next {time_period}.
  6. What are the key economic events that could affect the {currency_pair} in the coming {time_period}?
  7. Explain how the volatility of the {currency_pair} has changed since {date}.
  8. Provide a comparison between the {currency_pair} and the {index_name} for the past {time_period}.
  9. Analyze potential risk factors that may influence the {currency_pair} for the next {time_period}.
  10. Explain how the recent geopolitical events have impacted the {currency_pair} since {date}.

Tips and Tricks


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