From AI Wiki
See also: Machine learning terms


Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) is a type of recurrent neural network (RNN) architecture that is specifically designed to handle long-range dependencies in sequential data. It was first introduced by Sepp Hochreiter and Jürgen Schmidhuber in 1997 to address the limitations of traditional RNNs, such as the vanishing gradient problem. LSTMs have since become a popular choice for various applications in machine learning and natural language processing, owing to their ability to model complex temporal dynamics in data.

LSTM Architecture

LSTMs consist of a sequence of memory cells that are interconnected in a manner that allows them to retain information over long sequences. The primary components of an LSTM cell include the input gate, output gate, forget gate, and cell state.

Input Gate

The input gate is responsible for regulating the flow of new information into the memory cell. It uses a sigmoid activation function to determine the extent to which the incoming data should be incorporated into the cell state. This allows the LSTM to selectively update its internal state based on the relevance of the new input.

Forget Gate

The forget gate is responsible for determining the extent to which the existing information in the memory cell should be retained or discarded. Like the input gate, it also utilizes a sigmoid activation function to control the retention of information. This mechanism enables the LSTM to "forget" irrelevant information and make room for more pertinent data.

Cell State

The cell state serves as the memory component of the LSTM cell. It is updated by both the input gate and the forget gate, which dictate the addition of new information and the removal of old information, respectively. The cell state maintains the long-term dependencies in the data, allowing the LSTM to effectively capture temporal patterns.

Output Gate

The output gate controls the flow of information from the memory cell to the rest of the network. It uses a sigmoid activation function to determine the degree to which the cell state should be exposed to the subsequent layers. This allows the LSTM to selectively output information based on the current state and input data.


LSTMs have been employed in a wide range of machine learning tasks, including but not limited to:

  • Natural language processing: LSTMs are widely used for tasks such as language modeling, sentiment analysis, and machine translation.
  • Speech recognition: They have been applied in recognizing and transcribing spoken language.
  • Time series prediction: LSTMs can be used for forecasting future values in temporal data, such as stock prices or weather patterns.
  • Video analysis: They can also be used to analyze and interpret the temporal dynamics in video data.

Explain Like I'm 5 (ELI5)

Imagine your brain is like a library, and you need to remember important things about a story you're reading. An LSTM is a smart librarian that helps you remember the important parts of the story while forgetting the unimportant details. It does this by using special "gates" to control what information comes in, what stays, and what goes out. This way, the LSTM can remember important information for a long time and use it to help solve problems, like understanding what you're saying or predicting what will happen next.