Lsong AI (ChatGPT Plugin)

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Lsong AI (ChatGPT Plugin)
Lsong AI.png
Name Lsong AI
Platform ChatGPT
Model GPT-4
Category AI
Description Lsong's AI provides AI-powered content like news, images, music, movies, weather, stories, memes, and more.
Release Date June 7, 2023
Available Yes
Working Yes

Lsong AI is a Plugin for ChatGPT.


Example Prompts

Example prompts that utilize the plugin:

  1. Search for the top 10 movies in the variable: genre genre released in the last six months.
  2. Show me the latest news headlines about variable: topic.
  3. Generate a random meme related to the variable: theme theme.
  4. Find top-rated restaurants near variable: geolocation.
  5. Get the current weather in variable: city and the forecast for the next three days.
  6. Recommend the best books published in the last year within the variable: genre genre.
  7. Create a playlist with popular songs from the variable: decade decade and variable: genre genre.
  8. Find a list of trending hashtags on Twitter related to variable: keyword.
  9. Suggest popular travel destinations for the upcoming variable: season season.
  10. What are the most viewed viral videos on YouTube in the past week?

Tips and Tricks


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