One-hot encoding

From AI Wiki
See also: Machine learning terms

One-Hot Encoding

One-hot encoding is a widely used technique in the field of machine learning and data preprocessing. It is employed to convert categorical variables into a numerical format that is suitable for machine learning algorithms to process. This method involves transforming a categorical variable into a binary vector, where each category is represented by a unique combination of zeros and ones.


Categorical variables often exist in datasets and can carry valuable information. However, most machine learning algorithms are designed to work with numerical data. One-hot encoding is a common solution to this challenge, as it enables the conversion of categorical data into a numerical format that can be easily processed by machine learning algorithms. The technique is especially useful in natural language processing (NLP) tasks, where words and sentences can be represented as categorical data.


The one-hot encoding process consists of the following steps:

1. Identify the categorical variables in the dataset. 2. Create a list of all unique categories present in each variable. 3. For each category, create a new binary column in the dataset. 4. Assign a value of 1 to the corresponding binary column for each observation, and 0 to all other columns.

By the end of this process, each categorical variable will have been replaced with a set of binary columns, one for each unique category.


While one-hot encoding is a widely used technique, it has certain limitations:

1. High dimensionality: One-hot encoding can significantly increase the number of features in a dataset, especially if the categorical variables have many unique categories. This can lead to increased computational complexity and memory requirements. 2. No inherent relationship between categories: The binary representation used in one-hot encoding does not capture any inherent relationship between categories, which may exist in the original data. This can result in a loss of valuable information. 3. Sparse matrices: The binary representation of one-hot encoded variables often leads to sparse matrices, where the majority of the elements are zeros. This may not be efficient for some machine learning algorithms.

Explain Like I'm 5 (ELI5)

Imagine you have a box of different colored balls: red, blue, and green. You want to tell a robot to pick up a ball of a certain color, but the robot only understands numbers, not colors. So you come up with a plan: you create a small chart with three columns, one for each color. When you want the robot to pick up a red ball, you put a 1 in the red column and 0s in the other columns. For a blue ball, you put a 1 in the blue column and 0s elsewhere, and similarly for green. This way, you've turned the colors (categories) into a set of numbers (binary columns) that the robot can understand. That's how one-hot encoding helps machine learning algorithms understand and work with categories.