Smarter Contracts (ChatGPT Plugin)

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Smarter Contracts (ChatGPT Plugin)
Smarter Contracts.png
Name Smarter Contracts
Platform ChatGPT
Model GPT-4
Category Finance
Description Analyze smart contracts and tokens on Ethereum.
Release Date June 11, 2023
Available Yes
Working Yes

Smarter Contracts is a Plugin for ChatGPT.


Example Prompts

Example prompts that utilize the plugin:

  1. Fetch the details of the latest transactions made on the Ethereum address account_address.
  2. Determine the token standards supported by the smart contract at contract_address.
  3. Examine the token distribution for the ERC20 token at token_contract_address on the Ethereum network.
  4. Retrieve the total supply of tokens for the ERC20 token at token_contract_address on the Ethereum network.
  5. Fetch the ownership history of an NFT with the token ID nft_token_id from the smart contract at nft_contract_address.
  6. Evaluate the security aspects of the Ethereum smart contract at contract_address.
  7. Identify the most active contracts on the Ethereum network within the past 24 hours.
  8. Investigate the potential vulnerabilities in the smart contract at contract_address on the Ethereum network.
  9. Calculate and display the total fees spent by the Ethereum address account_address over the past month.
  10. Analyze the top 10 highest volume trades for the token with the contract address token_contract_address within the past week.

Tips and Tricks


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