Web Requests (ChatGPT Plugin)

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Web Requests (ChatGPT Plugin)
Web Requests.png
Name Web Requests
Platform ChatGPT
Model GPT-4
Category Internet
Description Goodbye Knowledge Cutoff, Hello World! This is your AI assistant's web browser. Just enter a URL. Google, Wiki, GitHub.
Release Date May 31, 2023
Available Yes
Working Yes

Web Requests is a Plugin for ChatGPT.


Example Prompts

Example prompts that utilize the plugin:

  1. Retrieve the top 10 trending articles on {news_website_url}.
  2. Scrape the content from the webpage at {webpage_url} but only include text within


  3. Fetch the top 5 best-rated repositories related to {programming_language} from GitHub.
  4. Search for YouTube videos about {topic} and provide the top 3 results with their video URLs.
  5. Retrieve the list of top 10 articles on {tech_blog_url} published in the last month.
  6. Scrape the top 3 headlines, including their URLs, from the homepage of {news_website_url}.
  7. Fetch the images from the webpage at {webpage_url} and provide their direct URLs.
  8. Retrieve the content from {webpage_url} and extract a list of all external website links within the page.
  9. Find and display the contact information listed on the webpage at {business_website_url}.
  10. Fetch the product details, including name, price, and description, from the webpage at {ecommerce_product_url}.

Tips and Tricks


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