GPT-4 Plugins

From AI Wiki
Revision as of 23:02, 17 June 2023 by Startledcat (talk | contribs)
See also: GPT-4, ChatGPT and Plugins
PluginImagePlatformCategoryRelease DateDescription
3 Sentence Service (ChatGPT Plugin)3 Sentence Service.pngChatGPTProductivityJune 4, 2023Managing a three-sentence service. You can add, remove, view, and invoke your 3 sentence services.
60sec site (ChatGPT Plugin)60sec site.pngChatGPTWeb DevelopmentJune 11, 2023Generate a beautiful website in 60 seconds using AI.
ABC Music Notation (ChatGPT Plugin)ABC Music Notation.pngChatGPTMusic??? 2023Plugin for converting ABC music notation to wav, midi and postscript files.
ABCmouse (ChatGPT Plugin)ABCmouse.pngChatGPTEducationMay 20, 2023Provides fun and educational learning activities for children 2-8 years old.
AI Agents (ChatGPT Plugin)AI Agents.pngChatGPTProductivityMay 31, 2023Unleashing the power of multiple AIs: One goal, limitless productivity.
AI Chatbot Builder (ChatGPT Plugin)AI Chatbot Builder.pngChatGPTArtificial IntelligenceJune 14, 2023Build AI chatbots with ALL your business content, in a secure/business-grade platform.
AI Gift Finder (ChatGPT Plugin)AI Gift Finder.jpegChatGPTE-CommerceJune 16, 2023Use the power of AI to find the perfect gift.
AI News Roundup (ChatGPT Plugin)AI News Roundup.pngChatGPTNewsJune 18, 2023Get Today's AI News Headlines As A Clickable Link Roundup!
AI Showcase (ChatGPT Plugin)File:AI Showcase.jpgChatGPTArtificial Intelligence??? 2023Discover the perfect AI tool for your personal and business needs with AI Showcase.
AI2sql (ChatGPT Plugin)AI2sql.pngChatGPTProgrammingMay 28, 2023Converts a natural language text into an SQL query.
AIPLUX TM (ChatGPT Plugin)AIPLUX TM.jpegChatGPT???UndefinedAnalyze your business and recommend NICE classifications and items for trademark registration.
AITickerChat (ChatGPT Plugin)AITickerChat.pngChatGPTFinanceMay 20, 2023Retrieve USA stock insights from SEC filings as well as Earnings Call Transcripts.
AIstrologer (ChatGPT Plugin)AIstrologer.pngChatGPTEntertainmentJune 9, 2023Search for the horoscope for each zodiac sign for a specific date.
AMZPRO (ChatGPT Plugin)AMZPRO.jpegChatGPT???UndefinedPlugin for AMAZON product lists that helps you write a product description.
APEX Map (ChatGPT Plugin)File:???.jpgChatGPTGamingJune 4, 2023Checking the current APEX Legends Ranked Map.
Able Style Fashion (ChatGPT Plugin)Able Style Fashion.pngChatGPTFashionJune 11, 2023Get help in answering the question, "What shall I wear today?"
Abridged Due Diligence (ChatGPT Plugin)Abridged Due Diligence.pngChatGPTBusinessMay 20, 2023Discover the details! Search through recent SEC filings, with links to deeper analysis.
Access Link (ChatGPT Plugin)Access Link.pngChatGPTInternetMay 20, 2023Access any links on the web and get the information you need.
Access PDFAccess PDF & Docs.jpegChatGPT???UndefinedAsk your PDF questions, summarize information, and chat with PDF! Enter the Google Drive link to get started! (ChatGPT Plugin)Acquirecom.jpgChatGPTStartupsMay 31, 2023Everything you need to buy and sell startups.
Ad4mat (ChatGPT Plugin)Ad4mat.pngChatGPTAdvertisingJune 11, 2023API to monetize outgoing traffic via tracking links.
Agones (ChatGPT Plugin)Agones.pngChatGPTSportsMay 28, 2023Agones provides soccer (football) results for matches played all over the world in the past 15 years.
Ai PDF (ChatGPT Plugin)Ai PDF.pngChatGPTProductivityJune 11, 2023Super-fast, interactive chats with PDFs of any size, complete with page references for fact-checking.
Ai Tool Hunt (ChatGPT Plugin)Ai Tool Hunt.pngChatGPTArtificial IntelligenceMay 21, 2023Explore the ideal AI solutions for all use cases, drawn from the most comprehensive global database of AI tools. PH (ChatGPT Plugin) PH.pngChatGPTHealth??? 2023An API for a knowledge base from the Philippine Department of Health website to produce health-related info.
AldenBot (ChatGPT Plugin)AldenBot.jpegChatGPT???UndefinedAI clone of Alden Do Rosario. Ask me anything about Alden.
Algorithma (ChatGPT Plugin)Algorithma.pngChatGPTGamingMay 20, 2023Shape your virtual life with in this immersive life simulator game to begin Type /start to begin.
AmazingTalker (ChatGPT Plugin)AmazingTalker.jpgChatGPTEducationMay 31, 2023Elevate your language learning at any level with personalized 1-on-1 online lessons from tutors across the world.
Ambition (ChatGPT Plugin)Ambition.pngChatGPTEmploymentMay 20, 2023Search millions of jobs near you.
Andorra (ChatGPT Plugin)Andorra.jpegChatGPTTravelJune 16, 2023All of Andorra with the power of AI.
Appy Pie App Builder (ChatGPT Plugin)Appy Pie App Builder.pngChatGPTApp DevelopmentJune 4, 2023AI-powered Text-to-App Generator turns your app idea into Android and iOS apps- just provide text input.
ArtCollection (ChatGPT Plugin)ArtCollection.pngChatGPTArtJune 4, 2023Search through millions of art pieces from The Metropolitan Museum of Art.
Ask Cars (ChatGPT Plugin)Ask Cars.jpegChatGPTCarsJune 14, 2023Ask about car issues and get answers based on verified complaints to government agencies & public forums.
Ask MFM (ChatGPT Plugin)Ask MFM.pngChatGPTPodcastsJune 11, 2023Ask the hosts of the My First Million questions about business, tech, entrepreneurship, and life.
Ask Marcie (ChatGPT Plugin)Ask Marcie.jpegChatGPT???UndefinedFor displaying house offers in Park City, Utah.
Ask VG (ChatGPT Plugin)Ask VG.jpegChatGPT???UndefinedSearch through the VG content archive.
AskChloe (ChatGPT Plugin)AskChloe.jpegChatGPT???UndefinedDiscover your style and receive personalized recommendations for clothing, accessories, gifts, and more.
AskTheCode (ChatGPT Plugin)AskTheCode.jpegChatGPTProgrammingJune 16, 2023Provide a GitHub repository URL with the C# project and ask about any aspect of the code.
AskYourCode (ChatGPT Plugin)AskYourCode.pngChatGPTProgrammingJune 11, 2023Ask your source code directly. The intelligent rubber ducky!
AskYourKG (ChatGPT Plugin)AskYourKG.jpegChatGPT???UndefinedThis plugin utilizes the knowledge from the documents uploaded to and chats using this knowledge.
AskYourPDF (ChatGPT Plugin)AskYourPDF.pngChatGPTProductivityMay 20, 2023Unlock the power of your PDFs!, dive into your documents, find answers, and bring information to your fingertips.
Asset Ovi (ChatGPT Plugin)Asset Ovi.pngChatGPT3D ModelingJune 11, 2023Search and preview millions of 3D assets for games, AI-generated content, AR/VR, and more with Asset Ovi.
Astrodaily (ChatGPT Plugin)Astrodaily.pngChatGPTSpaceJune 11, 2023Search and discover NASA images.
Aus Petrol Prices (ChatGPT Plugin)Aus Petrol Prices.pngChatGPTTransportationMay 31, 2023Ask for the average daily petrol price for any state or capital city region in Australia!
Aus Surf Report (ChatGPT Plugin)Aus Surf Report.pngChatGPTSportsMay 31, 2023Get today's surf report for any break throughout Australia!
Austrian Bank Rates (ChatGPT Plugin)Austrian Bank Rates.jpegChatGPT???UndefinedCompare interest rates and terms of current and savings accounts of Austrian banks.
AutoInfra1 (ChatGPT Plugin)AutoInfra1.pngChatGPTIT ManagementMay 28, 2023Talk to your Servers. Works with AWS, GCP, Azure, and anywhere you can SSH!
B12 AI Websites (ChatGPT Plugin)B12 AI Websites.pngChatGPTWeb DevelopmentMay 31, 2023Create a professional, engaging, and user-friendly website for your business in seconds using AI.
BART Real-Time (ChatGPT Plugin)BART Real-Time.jpgChatGPTTransportationJune 11, 2023Get real-time BART (Bay Area Rapid Transit) information for a specified origination station and direction.
BOXIL SaaS (ChatGPT Plugin)BOXIL SaaS.jpegChatGPTBusinessJune 16, 2023Help Japanese companies find the best system to enhance their productivity.
BUZZ.NEW (ChatGPT Plugin)BUZZNEW.jpegChatGPT???UndefinedBUZZ.NEW: A smart Business Creator for business management. Create, manage inventory, and process orders efficiently.
Bardeen (ChatGPT Plugin)Bardeen.pngChatGPTProductivityMay 31, 2023Create and run automations on the most popular web services.
Basketball Stats (ChatGPT Plugin)Basketball Stats.jpegChatGPTSportsJune 14, 2023Find and analyze basketball stats from various databases of games, players, teams, and play-by-plays.
Bibliography Crossref (ChatGPT Plugin)Bibliography Crossref.jpgChatGPTAcademic ResearchMay 31, 2023Search publications and generate bibtex bibliographies using Crossref and Zotero.
Bitcoin Sentiment (ChatGPT Plugin)Bitcoin Sentiment.pngChatGPTCryptocurrencyMay 31, 2023Track the current price of Bitcoin and the market sentiment based on the last 20 news media mentions!
BizToc (ChatGPT Plugin)BizToc.pngChatGPTNewsMay 20, 2023Search BizToc for business & finance news.
BlockAtlas (ChatGPT Plugin)BlockAtlas.pngChatGPTData ScienceMay 20, 2023Search the US Census! Find data sets, ask questions, and visualize.
Bohita (ChatGPT Plugin)Bohita.pngChatGPTE-CommerceMay 20, 2023Create apparel with any image you can describe! Get it delivered right to your door.
Bookworm (ChatGPT Plugin)Bookworm.pngChatGPTBooksMay 31, 2023AI-powered personalized book recommendations, scanning countless titles to find your perfect read.
Boolio Invest (ChatGPT Plugin)Boolio Invest.pngChatGPTFinanceJune 11, 2023The easiest way to analyze global stock values with the power of quantitative factor methodologies.
Bramework (ChatGPT Plugin)Bramework.pngChatGPTSEOMay 20, 2023Find keywords, generate content briefs, perform SEO analysis, and extract SEO information.
Brandfetch (ChatGPT Plugin)Brandfetch.pngChatGPTBrandingMay 31, 2023Retrieve company and brand data including s, colors, fonts, and other brand information.
Broadway (ChatGPT Plugin)Broadway.pngChatGPTEntertainmentJune 11, 2023Search for shows currently playing on Broadway in New York City.
Bubble Goods (ChatGPT Plugin)Bubble Goods.jpegChatGPTE-CommerceJune 16, 2023Marketplace of 1000+ tasty & healthy foods. Discover new Vegan, Keto, Gluten-Free products & more.
BuildBetter (ChatGPT Plugin)BuildBetter.pngChatGPTProductivityJune 10, 2023Chat with the knowledge of all your calls in BuildBetter (Zoom, GMeet, Webex) for free.
BuyWisely (ChatGPT Plugin)BuyWisely.pngChatGPTE-CommerceMay 20, 2023Compare Prices & Discover the Latest Offers from thousands of online shops in Australia.
ByByAI (ChatGPT Plugin)ByByAI.jpegChatGPTE-CommerceJune 16, 2023Search for the best Amazon products ordered by rating.
C3 Glide (ChatGPT Plugin)C3 Glide.pngChatGPTAviationMay 20, 2023Get live aviation data for pilots. Ask questions about METARs, TAFs, NOTAMs for flight planning. (ChatGPT Plugin) 4, 2023Access the latest crypto prices and news aggregated by (formerly
CLINQ (ChatGPT Plugin)CLINQ.pngChatGPTCommunicationJune 11, 2023Manage your CLINQ Account. Retrieve info about calls, create call reminders, and more.
CSV Export (ChatGPT Plugin)CSV Export.jpegChatGPTProductivityJune 18, 2023Create and export custom CSV layouts in a flash.
CT Criteria Parser (ChatGPT Plugin)CT Criteria Parser.pngChatGPTHealthMay 31, 2023Analyze eligibility criteria in Example input: nctid NCT05859269
Calculator (ChatGPT Plugin)Calculator.pngChatGPTProductivityJune 11, 2023Execute formulas and return results.
California Law (ChatGPT Plugin)California Law.pngChatGPTLawJune 11, 2023Get up-to-date access to California law.
Calorie Chat (ChatGPT Plugin)Calorie Chat.pngChatGPTHealthJune 4, 2023Tracking what you eat doesn't have to be hard. With Calorie Chat, you'll find calorie counting simpler than ever before.
Calorie Coach (ChatGPT Plugin)Calorie Coach.jpgChatGPTHealthJune 4, 2023Track meals & gain insights for a healthier lifestyle from 1m+ restaurants & grocery stores.
CarGurus (ChatGPT Plugin)CarGurus.jpegChatGPT???UndefinedFind your perfect car on CarGurus - Search by budget, deal rating, brand, model, and more.
CarYardBard (ChatGPT Plugin)CarYardBard.pngChatGPTAdvertisingMay 31, 2023AI-Powered Car Sales Ad Generator for Australian Car Dealers.
Career Copilot (ChatGPT Plugin)Career Copilot.pngChatGPTEmploymentMay 20, 2023A trusted, always-on assistant to help software developers find a better job. Built by
Chabad Centers (ChatGPT Plugin)Chabad Centers.jpegChatGPTReligionJune 18, 2023Find information about Chabad Centers worldwide and their events.
ChampDex (ChatGPT Plugin)ChampDex.pngChatGPTGamingMay 31, 2023Chat with your favorite League of Legends champions!
Change (ChatGPT Plugin)Change.pngChatGPTCharityMay 20, 2023Discover impactful nonprofits to support in your community and beyond.
CharitySense (ChatGPT Plugin)CharitySense.pngChatGPTCharityJune 4, 2023Get data on US-based non-profits including mission, key people, governance, ratings, and financial data.
Charts by Kesem AI (ChatGPT Plugin)Charts by Kesem AI.jpegChatGPTData VisualizationJune 14, 2023Generate charts. The user can request a chart to be generated.
Chat Raku Journey (ChatGPT Plugin)Chat Raku Journey.jpegChatGPTE-CommerceJune 14, 2023Search for Rakuten services in Japan. You can easily search for products, facilities in travel, and more.
Chat Stack Search (ChatGPT Plugin)Chat Stack Search.jpgChatGPTProgrammingJune 19, 2023Use the Stack Exchange API to search sites such as Stack Overflow and return questions, answers, and other
Chat Tool Finder (ChatGPT Plugin)Chat Tool Finder.jpegChatGPT???UndefinedHere you can find the tool that can help you. Search by name, category, or description.
Chat With Workspace (ChatGPT Plugin)Chat With Workspace.pngChatGPTProductivityJune 11, 2023Chat with your Notion workspace using Chat With Workspace.
Chat With Your Data (ChatGPT Plugin)Chat With Your Data.jpegChatGPT???UndefinedConversation analysis for your databases and spreadsheets.
Chat with Bible (ChatGPT Plugin)Chat with Bible.pngChatGPTReligionJune 19, 2023Chat with the Bible.
Chat with Code (ChatGPT Plugin)Chat with Code.jpgChatGPTProgrammingJune 4, 2023Interact with code repositories, manage issues, and push code.
Chat with GSheet (ChatGPT Plugin)Chat with GSheet.jpegChatGPT???UndefinedConversation analysis using G-Sheet data.
Chat with Quran (ChatGPT Plugin)Chat with Quran.pngChatGPTReligionJune 19, 2023Chat with the Quran.
ChatOCR (ChatGPT Plugin)ChatOCR.pngChatGPTProductivityJune 11, 2023The best way to read text from any document. Extract text from scanned PDFs, photos, and even handwriting.
ChatSSHPlug (ChatGPT Plugin)ChatSSHPlug.pngChatGPTIT ManagementJune 4, 2023Ability to SSH into your server and turn your natural language into server commands.
ChatSpot (ChatGPT Plugin)ChatSpot.pngChatGPTMarketingMay 20, 2023Get access to marketing/sales data including domain information, company research, and search keyword research.
ChatWithGit (ChatGPT Plugin)ChatWithGit.pngChatGPTProgrammingMay 31, 2023Search code on GitHub repositories based on a query.
ChatWithPDF (ChatGPT Plugin)ChatWithPDF.pngChatGPTProductivityMay 22, 2023Plugin for asking questions, analyzing, and parsing through PDF documents by simply providing a PDF URL.
ChatWithVideo (ChatGPT Plugin)ChatWithVideo.pngChatGPTMediaMay 21, 2023Ask questions, analyze, and parse through YouTube videos by simply providing a YouTube video URL.
ChatWithWebsite (ChatGPT Plugin)ChatWithWebsite.pngChatGPTInternetMay 28, 2023Have a conversation with any website, powered by
CheckTheChain (ChatGPT Plugin)CheckTheChain.pngChatGPTCryptocurrencyJune 4, 2023Look for anything on the blockchain and get instant analysis.
Checkers (ChatGPT Plugin)Checkers.jpgChatGPTGamingJune 11, 2023This allows you to play a game of checkers.
Chess (ChatGPT Plugin)Chess.pngChatGPTGamingMay 22, 2023Unleash your inner chess master with this interactive chess experience! You can play against a novice or a grandmaster!
Chi Data Buddy (ChatGPT Plugin)Chi Data Buddy.jpegChatGPTUrban DataJune 14, 2023Chicago data from the City of Chicago Data Portal.
Clay (ChatGPT Plugin)Clay.jpegChatGPT???UndefinedAsk questions and search within your network and contacts - LinkedIn, Facebook, Email, and iMessage.
Clearbit (ChatGPT Plugin)Clearbit.pngChatGPTBusinessJune 11, 2023Access Clearbit Enrichment, Prospecting, Reveal APIs, and website visitors data to access information about companies.
Clinical Trial Radar (ChatGPT Plugin)Clinical Trial Radar.pngChatGPTHealthMay 20, 2023Discover current info on global clinical trials, organizations, diseases, and biomarkers from public & private studies.
Cloud Diagram Gen (ChatGPT Plugin)Cloud Diagram Gen.jpegChatGPT???UndefinedCreate cloud architecture diagrams. Unofficial AWS plugin.
Cloudflare Radar (ChatGPT Plugin)Cloudflare Radar.jpgChatGPTIT ManagementMay 20, 2023Get real-time insights into Internet traffic patterns and threats as seen by Cloudflare.
CoPilot (ChatGPT Plugin)CoPilot.pngChatGPTCarsJune 11, 2023Search, analyze, and rank every car from every dealer, making car buying more confident.
Code Runner (ChatGPT Plugin)Code Runner.jpegChatGPTProgrammingJune 14, 2023Compile and save your code while creating visualizations (charts and graphs) supports upto 70 programming languages.
CoderPad (ChatGPT Plugin)CoderPad.jpegChatGPTProgrammingJune 18, 2023Run code in more than 30 different programming languages, and let us worry about setting up the environment!
CoinCap (ChatGPT Plugin)CoinCap.pngChatGPTCryptocurrencyMay 21, 2023Get cryptocurrency information from CoinCap.
Color Palette (ChatGPT Plugin)Color Palette.jpegChatGPTDesignJune 18, 2023Craft vibrant palettes from your ideas.
Comic Finder (ChatGPT Plugin)File:Comic Finder.jpgChatGPTEntertainment??? 2023A plugin that finds a relevant comic given a description. Currently supports XKCD and SMBC comics.
Companies In The UK (ChatGPT Plugin)Companies In The UK.pngChatGPTBusinessJune 4, 2023Provides financial information on UK Companies.
Company Transcripts (ChatGPT Plugin)Company Transcripts.jpegChatGPTFinanceJune 16, 2023Search and analyze the latest company transcripts for any stock (powered by Koyfin).
Comparison (ChatGPT Plugin)Comparison.pngChatGPTE-CommerceJune 11, 2023Advanced e-commerce tool providing robust capabilities for efficient product search and accurate price comparison.
Competitor PPC Ads (ChatGPT Plugin)Competitor PPC Ads.pngChatGPTMarketingMay 20, 2023Discover your competitors' best PPC ads by entering their website address.
Content Rewriter (ChatGPT Plugin)Content Rewriter.jpegChatGPT???UndefinedEnter any URL and have the text content rewritten for you! (ChatGPT Plugin)Contentapp.jpegChatGPT???UndefinedEffortlessly buffers and posts social, SEO, and ad content. Supports WordPress, Twitter, YouTube, Shopify, Medium, and more!
Converter App (ChatGPT Plugin)Converter App.jpegChatGPTProductivityJune 14, 2023Convert currencies or files like images and videos from web links and Google Drive to other formats, or work with
Copywriter (ChatGPT Plugin)Copywriter.pngChatGPTWritingJune 11, 2023Send a URL and get sales copywriting suggestions for any page!
Coupert (ChatGPT Plugin)Coupert.jpgChatGPTShoppingMay 20, 2023Search for the internet’s best coupons from thousands of online stores.
Coupons by Tenere (ChatGPT Plugin)Coupons by Tenere.pngChatGPTShoppingJune 7, - Get the Best Deals & Coupons on Millions of Products At Over 50,000 Online Stores.
Coursera (ChatGPT Plugin)Coursera.pngChatGPTEducationJune 11, 2023Find recommendations for courses, specializations, and degrees on Coursera.
Crafty Clues (ChatGPT Plugin)Crafty Clues.pngChatGPTGamingMay 20, 2023Guess the words that the AI craftily clues for you. Add restrictions to make the game more interesting!
CranePumps Manuals (ChatGPT Plugin)CranePumps Manuals.pngChatGPTManufacturingJune 11, 2023Returns the catalog and manual for a pump based on the model number.
Create a QR code (ChatGPT Plugin)Create a QR code.pngChatGPTProductivityJune 4, 2023Create a QR code for any text or URL.
CreatiCode Scratch (ChatGPT Plugin)CreatiCode Scratch.pngChatGPTEducationMay 20, 2023Display Scratch programs as images and write 2D/3D programs using CreatiCode Scratch extensions.
Creative Mind (ChatGPT Plugin)Creative Mind.jpegChatGPT???UndefinedUnleash your imagination with Creative Mind and transform text prompts into breathtaking visual art.
Creatuity Stores (ChatGPT Plugin)Creatuity Stores.pngChatGPTE-CommerceMay 20, 2023We integrate stores so you can search for products in all of them at the same time.
Creature Generator (ChatGPT Plugin)Creature Generator.pngChatGPTGamingMay 20, 2023Creates a random creature and an image for use in role-playing games.
CreditYelp (ChatGPT Plugin)CreditYelp.pngChatGPTFinanceMay 20, 2023Access various essential financial calculators for a detailed repayment schedule and payoff term.
Cribbage Scorer (ChatGPT Plugin)Cribbage Scorer.pngChatGPTGamingJune 4, 2023Tool for scoring your cards in the game of cribbage.
Crypto ERC20 Scout (ChatGPT Plugin)Crypto ERC20 Scout.pngChatGPTCryptocurrencyJune 9, 2023Browse ERC20 tokens on EVM blockchains, including address resolution, symbol/tag search, explorer links, and pricing.
Crypto Jobs List (ChatGPT Plugin)Crypto Jobs List.jpgChatGPTEmploymentMay 31, 2023Find jobs and talent profiles in Crypto, Blockchain and Web3 industries.
Crypto Market News (ChatGPT Plugin)Crypto Market News.pngChatGPTCryptocurrencyMay 31, 2023It's your go-to solution for real-time cryptocurrency price updates, market insights, and the latest news.
Crypto Price Checker (ChatGPT Plugin)Crypto Price Checker.pngChatGPTCryptocurrencyJune 10, 2023Get the current price of a crypto or fiat pair.
Crypto Pulse (ChatGPT Plugin)Crypto Pulse.jpegChatGPTCryptocurrencyJune 16, 2023From News to Profit: Decode Crypto's Market Impact with Ease. Instantly, analyse latest crypto news.
CryptoMation (ChatGPT Plugin)CryptoMation.jpegChatGPT???UndefinedCrypto transactions, addresses, balances, conversions for every blockchain (Ethereum, Binance, Near, Tron, etc.)
Currency Converter (ChatGPT Plugin)Currency Converter.pngChatGPTFinanceMay 20, 2023Convert currencies based on real-time rates.
Currency Today (ChatGPT Plugin)Currency Today.jpegChatGPTFinanceJune 14, 2023Converts currency values based on the latest exchange rates.
Custom Knowledge (ChatGPT Plugin)Custom Knowledge.jpegChatGPT???UndefinedEnter your documents, websites, and other links and receive personalized answers.
DAIZY (ChatGPT Plugin)DAIZY.pngChatGPTFinanceMay 20, 2023Deep insights on ETFs, stocks, cryptos. Institutional-grade data: performance, risk, sustainability, research.
DEV Community (ChatGPT Plugin)DEV Community.pngChatGPTSocial MediaMay 20, 2023Plugin for recommending articles or users from DEV Community.
DM Tool Kit (ChatGPT Plugin)DM Tool Kit.pngChatGPTGamingJune 4, 2023App for rolling dice using the d20 or Fate/Fudge systems. (ChatGPT Plugin)Daigram.jpgChatGPTData VisualizationJune 4, 2023Build charts, graphs, and more.
DailyBot (ChatGPT Plugin)DailyBot.jpegChatGPT???UndefinedIntelligent insights from your team's daily stand-ups, check-ins, surveys, or knowledge base forms.
Dart (ChatGPT Plugin)Dart.pngChatGPTProject ManagementJune 4, 2023Project management on autopilot.
Decision Journal (ChatGPT Plugin)Decision Journal.pngChatGPTSelf-ImprovementMay 21, 2023Become a better decision-maker by keeping track of your decisions and reviewing how they turn out.
Deep Memory (ChatGPT Plugin)Deep Memory.jpgChatGPTEducationJune 11, 2023Create flashcards and review them on Deep Memory, a spaced repetition app.
Defillama (ChatGPT Plugin)Defillama.pngChatGPTCryptocurrencyJune 4, 2023Retrieve data on DeFi protocols and blockchains.
Definitive Facts (ChatGPT Plugin)Definitive Facts.jpgChatGPTInformationJune 10, 2023Ask questions using 100+ relational datasets covering sports, finance, and more with Definitive Facts.
DeployScript (ChatGPT Plugin)Deployscript.pngChatGPTSoftware DevelopmentMay 28, 2023DeployScript effortlessly launches web apps, handling the tech for you. Watch your ideas come to life!
Devhunt (ChatGPT Plugin)Devhunt.jpegChatGPT???UndefinedFind your next favorite tool.
Diagrams (ChatGPT Plugin)Diagrams.pngChatGPTDesignJune 11, 2023Create and display diagrams from or using networkx and matplotlib with Diagrams.
Disteur (ChatGPT Plugin)Disteur.jpegChatGPT???UndefinedQuick start for creating a product draft on the Disteur platform.
Doctor's Life Career (ChatGPT Plugin)File:Doctor's Life Career.jpegChatGPT???UndefinedSearch for jobs for Japanese doctors according to your preferences.
Document AI (ChatGPT Plugin)Document AI.jpegChatGPTArtificial IntelligenceJune 16, 2023The only Document AI that shows you where it got your answer from.
Domain Finder AI (ChatGPT Plugin)Domain Finder AI.jpegChatGPT???UndefinedCheck if a domain is available by searching multiple domain registration sites.
Domains Bot (ChatGPT Plugin)Domains Bot.pngChatGPTInternetJune 4, 2023Checks for a domain name's availability. You can search for your desired domain name.
Domatron Domains (ChatGPT Plugin)Domatron Domains.pngChatGPTInternetJune 11, 2023Find available, brandable .com domain names for your business businesses.
Dover Assistant (ChatGPT Plugin)Dover Assistant.pngChatGPTEmploymentJune 11, 2023Generate personalized emails to reach out for job opportunities.
Dr. Thoth's Tarot (ChatGPT Plugin)Dr. Thoth's Tarot.pngChatGPTEntertainment??? 2023Tarot card novelty entertaiment & analysis, by Mnemosyne Labs.
Draw (ChatGPT Plugin)File:??????.jpgChatGPTArtJune 19, 2023??????
Dream Interpreter (ChatGPT Plugin)Dream Interpreter.jpegChatGPT???UndefinedIt interprets your dreams using advanced techniques.
Drink Maestro (ChatGPT Plugin)Drink Maestro.jpegChatGPTBeverageJune 14, 2023Learn to mix any drink you can imagine (real or made-up), and discover new ones. Includes drink images.
Duoduo English (ChatGPT Plugin)Duoduo English.pngChatGPTEducationJune 19, 2023Learn and practice English for Duolingo English Test.
ESIM Travel Asst (ChatGPT Plugin)ESIM Travel Asst.pngChatGPTTravelJune 14, 2023Find eSIM data plans easily! Enter location and eSIM keywords to get apt package suggestions. Ideal for travelers.
Earth (ChatGPT Plugin)Earth.pngChatGPTGeographyJune 11, 2023Generate a map image based on a provided location, tilt, and style.
Earthquake Info (ChatGPT Plugin)Earthquake Info.pngChatGPTDisaster ManagementJune 4, 2023Get the latest earthquake information.
Easy Product Search (ChatGPT Plugin)Easy Product Search.pngChatGPTShoppingJune 4, 2023Easy Product Search simplifies shopping on Japanese EC sites using keywords.
Easy Resume (ChatGPT Plugin)Easy Resume.pngChatGPTEmploymentMay 31, 2023Quickly create and edit your resume with the option to download as a docx or pdf, and find the job you deserve!
EdX (ChatGPT Plugin)EdX.jpgChatGPTEducationMay 20, 2023Find courses and content from leading universities to expand your knowledge at any level.
Edmunds Cars (ChatGPT Plugin)File:Edmunds Cars.jpegChatGPT???UndefinedUse Edmunds to get trustworthy vehicle reviews and local deals for new and used cars.
Email by Nylas (ChatGPT Plugin)Email by Nylas.jpgChatGPTProductivityJune 9, 2023Connect with any email provider and engage with your email data seamlessly.
Eraser (ChatGPT Plugin)Eraser.pngChatGPTSoftware DevelopmentJune 19, 2023Generate diagrams from code or natural language.
Etihad Airline (ChatGPT Plugin)Etihad Airline.jpegChatGPTTravelJune 14, 2023Search flights, and answer other related questions of flights.
Exchange Rates (ChatGPT Plugin)Exchange Rates.pngChatGPTFinanceJune 9, 2023Exchange Rates delivers real-time and historical data, enabling conversion and tracking for over 170 currencies.
Expedia (ChatGPT Plugin)Expedia.pngChatGPTTravelMay 20, 2023Bring your trip plans to life – get there, stay there, find things to see and do.
Experiences (ChatGPT Plugin)Experiences.jpgChatGPTTravelJune 4, 2023Provides activity suggestions, ensuring engaging and user-friendly travel experiences.
Export Chat (ChatGPT Plugin)Export Chat.pngChatGPTProductivityJune 11, 2023Export your conversation or specific parts of your conversation.
Export to PDF (ChatGPT Plugin)Export to PDF.pngChatGPTProductivityJune 19, 2023Export your AI chat history or responses to a stylized PDF document/text for easy file sharing.
FaceTheFacts (ChatGPT Plugin)FaceTheFacts.jpegChatGPT???UndefinedYou can access profiles of German politicians, retrieve voting results, analyze side jobs, and track party donations.
Father's Day Deals (ChatGPT Plugin)Father's Day Deals.jpgChatGPTShoppingJune 11, 2023Ideas, recommendations, and deals for Father's Day gifts.
Feng Shui Divination (ChatGPT Plugin)Feng Shui Divination.jpegChatGPT???UndefinedUsing traditional Chinese theories such as the I Ching (Book of Changes), the past, present, and future can be predicted.
Ferryhopper (ChatGPT Plugin)Ferryhopper.pngChatGPTTravelJune 11, 2023Search for ferries and plan your trip with the assistance of AI and Ferryhopper.
Figlet (ChatGPT Plugin)Figlet.pngChatGPTSoftware DevelopmentJune 4, 2023Utility for converting strings of text into ASCII fonts.
FilmFindr AI (ChatGPT Plugin)FilmFindr AI.jpegChatGPTEntertainmentJune 16, 2023Tell me your favorite movies and I'll unveil your next cinematic gem!
Filtir (ChatGPT Plugin)Filtir.jpegChatGPTFact CheckingJune 16, 2023Verify the provided text using external sources.
Find a Freelancer (ChatGPT Plugin)Find a Freelancer.jpegChatGPT???UndefinedFind freelancers who can help you with completing tasks.
Finna Bolag (ChatGPT Plugin)Finna Bolag.jpgChatGPTBusinessJune 11, 2023Seamlessly search for and retrieve Swedish companies' financial data with Finna Bolag.
FiscalNote (ChatGPT Plugin)FiscalNote.pngChatGPTLegalMay 20, 2023FiscalNote enables access to select market-leading, real-time data sets for legal, political, and regulatory information.
Forex-Rates (ChatGPT Plugin)Forex-Rates.pngChatGPTFinanceJune 11, 2023Forex Rates: Price analysis for currency markets. Gain insights, sentiment evaluation, and text completion. (ChatGPT Plugin)Formsapp.jpegChatGPT???UndefinedCreate a form, survey, or quiz with AI.
Free Kiddie Books (ChatGPT Plugin)Free Kiddie Books.pngChatGPTEducationJune 11, 2023Access thousands of free children's picture books ( Get recommendations for young readers' interests.
FreshTech (ChatGPT Plugin)FreshTech.jpegChatGPTTechnologyJune 16, 2023Fetches and presents the latest tech documentation content.
FundsDB (ChatGPT Plugin)FundsDB.pngChatGPTFinanceMay 21, 2023Discover funding opportunities in the UK and India on FundsDB. Type in your query in any language or /help for assistance.
GIF Search (ChatGPT Plugin)GIF Search.pngChatGPTDigital MediaJune 4, 2023Search through a wide range of gifs - Powered by Giphy.
GameBase (ChatGPT Plugin)GameBase.pngChatGPTGamingMay 20, 2023Chat and get game info, the database is based on the latest gaming information in 2023, supports multiple platforms.
GameSight (ChatGPT Plugin)GameSight.pngChatGPTGamingJune 4, 2023Discover games, game-related content, get recommendations, and compare games based on player reviews.
Gate2AI (ChatGPT Plugin)Gate2AI.pngChatGPTArtificial IntelligenceJune 11, 2023Discover the perfect AI tools for your needs.
GeoGuru (ChatGPT Plugin)GeoGuru.pngChatGPTGeographyJune 19, 2023Extract geographical data seamlessly within your conversations.
GetYourGuide (ChatGPT Plugin)GetYourGuide.jpgChatGPTTravelMay 20, 2023Find tours, excursions and other travel activities you can book on GetYourGuide.
Gift Finder (ChatGPT Plugin)Gift Finder.pngChatGPTShoppingMay 31, 2023Your personal gift advisor. Find a perfect experience for anyone.
Gift ideas suggester (ChatGPT Plugin)Gift ideas suggester.pngChatGPTShoppingJune 11, 2023Generate gift ideas for any occasion, such as birthdays, Mother's Day, etc. Please provide details about the recipient.
Giftwrap (ChatGPT Plugin)Giftwrap.pngChatGPTShoppingMay 20, 2023Ask about gift ideas for any occasion and recipient. Get it wrapped and delivered, no address needed.
Giga Tutor (ChatGPT Plugin)Giga Tutor.pngChatGPTEducationMay 20, 2023Giga is your AI-powered personalized tutor, it keeps the answers to your questions personalized.
Gimmee Air Quality (ChatGPT Plugin)Gimmee Air Quality.pngChatGPTEnvironmentJune 11, 2023Planning something outdoors? Get the 2-day air quality forecast for any US zip code.
Git OSS Stats (ChatGPT Plugin)Git OSS Stats.jpegChatGPT???UndefinedCreate and analyze dynamic statistics and histories for OSS repositories and developers.
GitAIOps (ChatGPT Plugin)GitAIOps.jpegChatGPT???UndefinedUnofficial tool for GitLab CI/CD workflows. Simplifies the review of merge requests, debugging of pipelines, and much more.
Glowing (ChatGPT Plugin)Glowing.pngChatGPTProductivityMay 20, 2023Schedule and send daily SMS messages - reminders, inspiration, helpers and more.
GoDaddy Name Search (ChatGPT Plugin)GoDaddy Name Search.jpegChatGPTWeb DevelopmentJune 14, 2023Search and check the availability of domain names using GoDaddy.
GoFynd (ChatGPT Plugin)Gofynd.jpegChatGPTShoppingMay 28, 2023Elevate your shopping experience with GoFynd.
Golden (ChatGPT Plugin)Golden.pngChatGPTBusinessMay 20, 2023Get current factual data on companies from the Golden knowledge graph.
Got2Go (ChatGPT Plugin)Got2Go.pngChatGPTTravelJune 4, 2023Your next vacation is one conversation away. Literally. Find the perfect stays in the US with Got2Go.
HACKIT Web Scanner (ChatGPT Plugin)HACKIT Web Scanner.pngChatGPTCybersecurityJune 11, 2023AI-powered web scanner by HACKIT.
HDB Car Park (ChatGPT Plugin)HDB Car Park.pngChatGPTTransportationJune 4, 2023For checking the availability of car park lots at various HDB car parks around Singapore.
HTTP Webhooks (ChatGPT Plugin)HTTP Webhooks.jpgChatGPTWeb DevelopmentMay 31, 2023Allows you to write, deploy, and manage HTTP Webhooks in JavaScript, right from the chat.
HackTrack (ChatGPT Plugin)HackTrack.pngChatGPTCybersecurityJune 11, 2023This tool checks if credentials linked to an email have been exposed in data breaches or hacks.
Hadith Advice (ChatGPT Plugin)Hadith Advice.pngChatGPTReligionJune 11, 2023Ask a question and get advice from hadith.
HaffPrice (ChatGPT Plugin)HaffPrice.pngChatGPTShoppingMay 31, 2023Shopping all kinds of products with the lowest price in the market.
Hauling Buddies (ChatGPT Plugin)Hauling Buddies.pngChatGPTAnimal ServicesMay 20, 2023Locate dependable animal transporters using recommendations, reviews, and regulatory compliance search features.
HeyGen (ChatGPT Plugin)HeyGen.pngChatGPTVideo ProductionJune 4, 2023Meet HeyGen - The best AI video generation platform for your team.
HiCollectors Finder (ChatGPT Plugin)HiCollectors Finder.pngChatGPTCollectiblesJune 11, 2023Search and price comparison for eBay products. Only available in the United States.
HighPerplexity (ChatGPT Plugin)HighPerplexity.pngChatGPTArtificial IntelligenceJune 4, 2023Integrates with highPerplexity and executes any prompts you need.
Horoscopes (ChatGPT Plugin)Horoscopes.jpgChatGPTEntertainmentJune 11, 2023Daily, weekly, and monthly horoscopes tailored to you. Brought to you by Inner Self.
Hubbub (ChatGPT Plugin)Hubbub.pngChatGPTHealthMay 20, 2023Local health risk & safety guidance for COVID-19, Flu, RSV, and more in the US.
HumanInf (ChatGPT Plugin)HumanInf.pngChatGPTArtificial IntelligenceJune 11, 2023Humanize AI content through paraphrasing.
Humanize (ChatGPT Plugin)Humanize.jpegChatGPT???UndefinedHumanization of AI content through paraphrasing.
I Am Rich (ChatGPT Plugin)I Am Rich.jpgChatGPTEntertainmentMay 20, 2023Proudly declare 'I am rich'.
ISS Location (ChatGPT Plugin)ISS Location.pngChatGPTSpaceJune 4, 2023Add-on for displaying the current coordinates of the ISS and the names of the current astronauts in space.
Idea Organiser (ChatGPT Plugin)Idea Organiser.jpegChatGPT???UndefinedOrganize and save your notes on Notion. Make your notes smarter, easier, and more effective.
Image Editor (ChatGPT Plugin)Image Editor.pngChatGPTPhotographyMay 31, 2023Edit images seamlessly, resize, crop, blur and many more embedded features.
ImageSearch (ChatGPT Plugin)ImageSearch.pngChatGPTPhotographyMay 20, 2023Find and display images from Unsplash.
Indoor Plants (ChatGPT Plugin)Indoor Plants.pngChatGPTGardeningJune 7, 2023Trusted Information About Indoor Plants and Gardening.
IndoorPlantBot (ChatGPT Plugin)IndoorPlantBot.jpegChatGPT???UndefinedThe ultimate guide to indoor plants.
InfoJobs (ChatGPT Plugin)InfoJobs.jpegChatGPTEmploymentJune 16, 2023Search jobs on InfoJobs.
Instabase (ChatGPT Plugin)Instabase.jpegChatGPTReal EstateJune 16, 2023Search for rooms and venues all across Japan from instabase.
Instacart (ChatGPT Plugin)Instacart.pngChatGPTFood DeliveryMay 20, 2023Ask about recipes and discover the ingredients you need—then get it all delivered from local stores.
Interest Rates (ChatGPT Plugin)File:??????.jpgChatGPT???UndefinedReceive real-time interest rates from central banks
Italy Latest News (ChatGPT Plugin)Italy Latest News.jpgChatGPTNewsJune 11, 2023Get the most recent news from Italy.
Japanese Strokes (ChatGPT Plugin)Japanese Strokes.jpegChatGPT???UndefinedAn educational tool that assists in learning Japanese characters through the use of animations.
JetBook.Click (ChatGPT Plugin)JetBookClick.jpgChatGPTTravelMay 31, 2023Your ultimate travel companion: search/book flights at best prices, get info about your destination. Multilang support.
JiggyBase (ChatGPT Plugin)JiggyBase.pngChatGPTKnowledge ManagementMay 31, 2023Use the knowledge in your JiggyBase document collections to help produce factual, up-to-date chat responses.
Jini (ChatGPT Plugin)Jini.pngChatGPTSearch EngineJune 11, 2023Get factual, knowledge-base and real-time information. Search news, images, videos, music, apps, pages and facts.
JoPilot (ChatGPT Plugin)JoPilot.jpgChatGPTEmploymentJune 4, 2023Search for US jobs by keywords, locations, employers, salaries, and commute time.
Job Interview (ChatGPT Plugin)Job Interview.jpegChatGPTEmploymentJune 16, 2023I'll prepare you for a job interview by asking questions and providing feedback.
Job Search (ChatGPT Plugin)Job Search.jpegChatGPT???UndefinedMaking job search easy.
Job Search UK (ChatGPT Plugin)Job Search UK.jpgChatGPTEmploymentMay 31, 2023Get the latest job posts from the UK's top job boards including Reed, Indeed, and others.
Job search by Indeed (ChatGPT Plugin)Job search by Indeed.jpgChatGPTEmploymentJune 9, 2023Explore & discover the latest open jobs from the #1 job site in the world,
Jobsearch (ChatGPT Plugin)Jobsearch.pngChatGPTEmploymentJune 11, 2023A job search service for jobs in Germany.
KAYAK (ChatGPT Plugin)KAYAK.pngChatGPTTravelMay 20, 2023Search flights, stays & rental cars or get recommendations where you can go on your budget. (ChatGPT Plugin)Kakakucom.jpgChatGPTShoppingJune 4, 2023Search for products that match your criteria from among the many products registered on the Japanese website (ChatGPT Plugin)Kakakucom-travel.jpgChatGPTTravel??? 2023You can search for hotels that match your search criteria from among the many hotels registered on
KalendarAI (ChatGPT Plugin)KalendarAI.pngChatGPTSalesMay 20, 2023KalendarAI sales agents generate revenue with potential customers from 200+ million companies globally.
KeyMate.AI Search (ChatGPT Plugin)KeyMate.AI Search.pngChatGPTSearch EngineMay 20, 2023Search the web by using a Custom Search Engine with KeyMate.AI, your AI-powered web search engine.
Keyplays Live Soccer (ChatGPT Plugin)Keyplays Live Soccer.pngChatGPTSportsMay 20, 2023Latest live soccer standings, results, commentary, tv stations, keyplays (with and without scores).
Keyword Explorer (ChatGPT Plugin)Keyword Explorer.pngChatGPTSEOMay 31, 2023Keyword Explorer provides popular related keywords to amplify your content optimization.
Klarna Shopping (ChatGPT Plugin)Klarna Shopping.jpgChatGPTShoppingMay 20, 2023Search and compare prices from thousands of online shops.
Klook (ChatGPT Plugin)Klook.jpgChatGPTTravelMay 21, 2023From local escapes to far-flung adventures, find the best experiences, tours, hotels and transport options anywhere.
Korea subway route (ChatGPT Plugin)Korea subway route.pngChatGPTTransportationJune 11, 2023Korea metro subway route info.
Kraftful (ChatGPT Plugin)Kraftful.pngChatGPTProduct DevelopmentMay 20, 2023Your product development coach. Ask about best practices. Get top gurus’ product thinking.
Kyujinbox (ChatGPT Plugin)Kyujinbox.pngChatGPTEmploymentJune 11, 2023Search for jobs in Japan by keyword, location, and employment type.
LGTM (ChatGPT Plugin)LGTM.pngChatGPTSoftware DevelopmentJune 19, 2023Search for LGTM Markdown.
LIFULL HOME'S (ChatGPT Plugin)LIFULL HOME'S.jpgChatGPTReal EstateJune 11, 2023Encounter the life you want. Search listings, view property and neighborhood details in Japan.
Lark Base Importer (ChatGPT Plugin)Lark Base Importer.pngChatGPTData ManagementJune 11, 2023Importing data into Lark Base for further analysis and presentation. An easy-to-use data management solution.
LawyerPR (ChatGPT Plugin)LawyerPR.pngChatGPTLegalMay 31, 2023Matching your ideal lawyer, in Japan. Let's Start with a Preliminary Review.
Lexi Shopper (ChatGPT Plugin)Lexi Shopper.pngChatGPTShoppingMay 20, 2023Get product recommendations from your local Amazon store.
Lighthouse (ChatGPT Plugin)Lighthouse.jpegChatGPTReal EstateJune 16, 2023Browse apartments and get free locator assistance.
Likewise (ChatGPT Plugin)Likewise.pngChatGPTEntertainmentMay 20, 2023Your media and entertainment companion. Get TV, Movies, Books & Podcast Recommendations.
LincolnBot (ChatGPT Plugin)LincolnBot.jpegChatGPT???UndefinedThe ultimate guide for everything related to Abraham Lincoln.
Lingo (ChatGPT Plugin)Lingo.pngChatGPTCultureJune 11, 2023Direct access to the Japanese lifestyle with one click.
Link Reader (ChatGPT Plugin)Link Reader.pngChatGPTProductivityMay 20, 2023Reads the content of all kinds of links, like webpage, PDF, PPT, image, Word & other docs.
Listen Notes (ChatGPT Plugin)Listen Notes.pngChatGPTPodcastsJune 19, 2023The best podcast search engine and database. All podcasts and episodes. Built with
Litmaps (ChatGPT Plugin)Litmaps.pngChatGPTAcademic ResearchJune 11, 2023Get help exploring the scientific literature, find relevant papers, and generate mindmaps of the literature.
Live Game (ChatGPT Plugin)Live Game.jpegChatGPT???UndefinedDiscover real-time scores and news from the world of eSports. LOL, Dota2, CS:GO, PUBG live results and news.
Liveinboxer (ChatGPT Plugin)Liveinboxer.pngChatGPTEmail ManagementJune 19, 2023Get the latest email from top brands.
Local by GoodCall (ChatGPT Plugin)Local by GoodCall.pngChatGPTLocal ServicesMay 20, 2023Discover and support restaurants, shops & services near you.
Lsong AI (ChatGPT Plugin)Lsong AI.pngChatGPTArtificial IntelligenceJune 7, 2023Lsong's AI provides AI-powered content like news, images, music, movies, weather, stories, memes, and more.
MBTI (ChatGPT Plugin)MBTI.pngChatGPTPersonality TestJune 10, 2023Administer an MBTI test. Get a list of questions and calculate your MBTI type.
ML Paper Reader (ChatGPT Plugin)ML Paper Reader.pngChatGPTAcademic ResearchJune 4, 2023Search for ML papers on different topics and speed up research by "talking" to the PDFs.
MagiCodex (ChatGPT Plugin)MagiCodex.pngChatGPTCollectiblesJune 11, 2023Ask about Magic: The Gathering cards, rules and interactions.
Magic Conch Shell (ChatGPT Plugin)Magic Conch Shell.jpegChatGPT???UndefinedDirect your most important life decisions with the magical shell bowl. (Please don't really do this, it's just satire).
Magnetis (ChatGPT Plugin)Magnetis.pngChatGPTFinanceMay 21, 2023Magnetis is a digital wealth manager. Get updated data on portfolio returns and allocations. Ask me about Magnetis.
Mallorca Magic Property Search (ChatGPT Plugin)Mallorca Magic Property Search.pngChatGPTReal EstateMay 31, 2023Discover your dream property in Mallorca with our AI-Power. Find the perfect match from over 75,000 listings!
Man of Many (ChatGPT Plugin)Man of Many.jpegChatGPTLifestyleMay 31, 2023Discover the latest in products, culture and style from Man of Many. Ask for the latest news and headlines.
Manorlead (ChatGPT Plugin)Manorlead.pngChatGPTReal EstateMay 20, 2023Get a list of listings for rent or sale in cities across Canada and the US based on your search criteria.
Mantium (ChatGPT Plugin)Mantium.jpgChatGPTArtificial IntelligenceJune 9, 2023Fetch user-created applications from Mantium and retrieve relevant info based on user queries.
Maps (ChatGPT Plugin)Maps.pngChatGPTGeographyJune 11, 2023Generate a map with a marker on a given spot using latitude and longitude coordinates.
Medecine-Explorer (ChatGPT Plugin)File:Medecine-Explorer.jpgChatGPTHealthJune 19, 2023Facilitates access and search for Medicine articles, including author and journal details - By Nabil Brag.
MediaReady (ChatGPT Plugin)MediaReady.pngChatGPTJournalismJune 19, 2023Identify sources and experts for journalists.
Meme Creator (ChatGPT Plugin)Meme Creator.pngChatGPTEntertainmentJune 4, 2023Use Meme Creator to create memes on demand using the power of AI!
Meme Generator (ChatGPT Plugin)Meme Generator.pngChatGPTEntertainmentJune 4, 2023Your AI meme generator.
Memory Bank (ChatGPT Plugin)Memory Bank.pngChatGPTPersonal AssistantJune 11, 2023Extend AI memory. Ask it to store and retrieve your information to get personalized assistance tailored to your needs.
Mermaid Chart (ChatGPT Plugin)Mermaid Chart.jpegChatGPTData VisualizationJune 16, 2023Visualize Mermaid Diagrams and fine-tune them in the Mermaid Chart editor.
Message in a Bottle (ChatGPT Plugin)Message in a Bottle.pngChatGPTSocial MediaJune 19, 2023Throw a message into the digital ocean, or grab one floating by. You are not alone.
Meta path (ChatGPT Plugin)Meta path.pngChatGPTCryptocurrencyJune 19, 2023Query info for coins and nfts.
Metaphor (ChatGPT Plugin)Metaphor.pngChatGPTContent Discovery??? 2023Access the internet's highest quality content. Recommended by people, powered by neural search.
Midpage caselaw (ChatGPT Plugin)Midpage caselaw.pngChatGPTLegalJune 10, 2023Interact with US caselaw: Summarizes text, answers questions, and checks legal statements.
Mifuzi Domain AI (ChatGPT Plugin)Mifuzi Domain AI.pngChatGPTInternetJune 19, 2023Discover domain names based on your creative ideas and check their availability status.
MightyOwl K-8 (ChatGPT Plugin)MightyOwl K-8.jpegChatGPT???UndefinedMightyOwl is an educational resource for 8th grade students, offering fun and engaging videos, quizzes, and worksheets.
Mindart (ChatGPT Plugin)Mindart.jpgChatGPTEmploymentMay 31, 2023Career test to help you find your dream job, with automation risk and average salary.
Mini Habits (ChatGPT Plugin)Mini Habits.pngChatGPTSelf-ImprovementJune 4, 2023Form new habits through small, daily actions.
MintbaseSearch (ChatGPT Plugin)MintbaseSearch.pngChatGPTCryptocurrencyJune 19, 2023Find any NFT data on the NEAR Protocol.
MixerBox ChatMap (ChatGPT Plugin)MixerBox ChatMap.pngChatGPTNavigationJune 11, 2023AI chatbot powered by Google Maps API for maps.
MixerBox ChatPDF (ChatGPT Plugin)MixerBox ChatPDF.pngChatGPTProductivityJune 11, 2023Summarize and analyze PDF files.
MixerBox ChatToVideo (ChatGPT Plugin)MixerBox ChatToVideo.pngChatGPTEntertainmentJune 11, 2023Summarize videos from YouTube! Ask questions and get answers right away!
MixerBox ChatVideo (ChatGPT Plugin)MixerBox ChatVideo.jpegChatGPT???UndefinedSummarize YouTube videos! Ask questions and get instant answers!
MixerBox FreecableTV (ChatGPT Plugin)MixerBox FreecableTV.pngChatGPTEntertainmentJune 11, 2023Watch free ad-supported TV shows, series, live channels, movies, news, and sports from across the web with MixerBox FreecableTV.
MixerBox ImageGen (ChatGPT Plugin)MixerBox ImageGen.jpegChatGPT???UndefinedCreate AI images using DALL-E 2! Create perfect prompts for Midjourney & Stable Diffusion images!
MixerBox News (ChatGPT Plugin)MixerBox News.pngChatGPTNewsMay 21, 2023Get the latest news delivered right to you! Stay informed with bulletins across multiple categories from credible sources.
MixerBox OnePlayer (ChatGPT Plugin)MixerBox OnePlayer.pngChatGPTMusicMay 20, 2023Unlimited music, podcasts, and videos across various genres. Enjoy endless listening with our rich playlists!
MixerBox PhotoMagic (ChatGPT Plugin)MixerBox PhotoMagic.jpegChatGPTPhotographyJune 16, 2023Enhance photo resolution magically! Achieve clearer & more detailed visuals for your images!
MixerBox Podcasts (ChatGPT Plugin)MixerBox Podcasts.pngChatGPTPodcastsJune 11, 2023Search podcasts easily! Explore podcasts covering society, sports, business, news, music, and more!
MixerBox Scholar (ChatGPT Plugin)MixerBox Scholar.pngChatGPTAcademic ResearchJune 11, 2023A free and reliable academic search engine for research papers.
MixerBox Translate (ChatGPT Plugin)MixerBox Translate.pngChatGPTLanguage LearningJune 11, 2023Translate any language right away! Learn foreign languages easily by conversing with AI tutors.
MixerBox Weather (ChatGPT Plugin)MixerBox Weather.pngChatGPTWeatherJune 11, 2023Get real-time worldwide weather updates and forecasts instantly with MixerBox Weather.
MixerBox WebSearchG (ChatGPT Plugin)MixerBox WebSearchG.pngChatGPTInternetJune 11, 2023Search and summarize the web with our customized search engine powered by Google Search API!
Mobula (ChatGPT Plugin)Mobula.jpgChatGPTCryptocurrencyJune 7, 2023Fetching real-time data for all crypto & blockchain metrics.
Modeal (ChatGPT Plugin)Modeal.jpgChatGPTCarsJune 19, 2023Exploring car recommendations, car information, and monthly payments through the Korean car sales service '모두가딜러'.
Mojito (ChatGPT Plugin)Mojito.jpegChatGPT???UndefinedI can convert your chats into articles and post them online🍹.
MomentX GuideX (ChatGPT Plugin)MomentX GuideX.jpegChatGPTShoppingJune 14, 2023It gives real-time info on our store, including brand locations and promotions.
My Writing Companion (ChatGPT Plugin)My Writing Companion.pngChatGPTWritingJune 4, 2023Find, hire, and manage remote human writers, the best way to ensure your content is engaging, accurate, and error-free.
NASA Media Explorer (ChatGPT Plugin)NASA Media Explorer.pngChatGPTSpaceJune 11, 2023Discover and learn about space exploration using NASA's vast media library!
NFT Guru (ChatGPT Plugin)NFT Guru.jpegChatGPT???UndefinedDiscover the current prices of NFTs on the most important platforms and keep track of the rapidly changing market with real-time
NFT News Roundup (ChatGPT Plugin)NFT News Roundup.pngChatGPTCryptocurrencyJune 4, 2023Get Today's NFT News Headlines As A Clickable Link Roundup!
NFTs (ChatGPT Plugin)NFTs.pngChatGPTCryptocurrencyMay 31, 2023Get the important details of any NFT collection and ask for insights based on that data!
NJSI Beta by SSG (ChatGPT Plugin)NJSI Beta by SSG.jpegChatGPTEmploymentJune 14, 2023National Jobs Skills Intelligence. Skillsfuture Singapore AI Graph for insights and relationships in the JS landscape.
Ndricks Sports (ChatGPT Plugin)ChatGPTSportsMay 22, 2023Get information about pro teams (NHL, NBA, NFL, MLB) teams by calling the ndricks Software Sports API.
Netlify Drop (ChatGPT Plugin)Netlify Drop.pngChatGPTWeb DevelopmentJune 9, 2023Describe a simple website you want to make, and deploy it to Netlify to share it with others.
NewsBreak (ChatGPT Plugin)NewsBreak.jpgChatGPTNewsJune 11, 2023Get the latest local or national news in the United States with NewsBreak.
NewsPilot (ChatGPT Plugin)File:??????.jpgChatGPT???UndefinedCurrent global news in brief, 15000 news sources from all over the world. (ChatGPT Plugin) ResearchMay 31, 2023Fetch the latest research papers on a specific topic from PubMed. More to come.
Noteable (ChatGPT Plugin)Noteable.pngChatGPTData AnalysisMay 20, 2023Create notebooks in Python, SQL, and Markdown to explore data, visualize, and share notebooks with everyone.
NotesAISync (ChatGPT Plugin)NotesAISync.jpegChatGPT???UndefinedUnofficial connection to Notion for interactive notes.
Now (ChatGPT Plugin)Now.pngChatGPTSocial MediaJune 11, 2023Get Google Trends. In Japan, you can also get Twitter trends and search Twitter keywords.
OfferZen World (ChatGPT Plugin)OfferZen World.jpegChatGPT???UndefinedQueries the OfferZen database for insights into tech careers, recruiting, services, and salaries.
One Word Domains (ChatGPT Plugin)One Word Domains.pngChatGPTInternetMay 20, 2023Check the availability of a domain and compare prices across different registrars.
OnePage Stock Ideas (ChatGPT Plugin)OnePage Stock Ideas.jpegChatGPT???UndefinedFind a list of stock ideas by asking them or feeding them with news or articles.
Open Archives (ChatGPT Plugin)Open Archives.pngChatGPTGenealogyJune 19, 2023Search the genealogical data of Dutch and Belgian archives and societies via Open Archives.
Open Lecture (ChatGPT Plugin)Open Lecture.pngChatGPTEducationMay 21, 2023Discover and access the right moments in open course lectures for targeted learning.
Open Trivia (ChatGPT Plugin)Open Trivia.pngChatGPTGamingMay 20, 2023Get trivia questions from various categories and difficulty levels.
OpenTable (ChatGPT Plugin)OpenTable.pngChatGPTFoodMay 20, 2023Allows you to search for restaurants available for booking dining experiences.
OpenTools AI (ChatGPT Plugin)OpenTools AI.jpegChatGPTArtificial IntelligenceJune 14, 2023Find the right AI tools for your needs from the largest collection on the web.
Options Pro (ChatGPT Plugin)Options Pro.pngChatGPTFinanceMay 20, 2023Options Pro is your personal options trading assistant to help you navigate market conditions.
Outschool (ChatGPT Plugin)Outschool.pngChatGPTEducationMay 28, 2023Search for top-quality online classes and teachers on Outschool.
OwlJourney (ChatGPT Plugin)OwlJourney.jpgChatGPTTravelMay 20, 2023Provides lodging and activity suggestions, ensuring an engaging and user-friendly journey.
Owler (ChatGPT Plugin)Owler.jpegChatGPTNewsJune 14, 2023Owler provides real-time business news and insights on private and public companies.
P-E For NFTs (ChatGPT Plugin)P-E For NFTs.pngChatGPTCryptocurrencyJune 11, 2023Get the price to earnings ratio for any NFT collection!
PDF Exporter (ChatGPT Plugin)PDF Exporter.pngChatGPTProductivityJune 4, 2023Export any chat response into a stylized PDF document.
PPC - (ChatGPT Plugin)PPC - StoreYacom.pngChatGPTAdvertisingJune 11, 2023Your personal assistance for automating advertising – Google Ads (AdWords) and Microsoft Ads (Bing).
PTCG price research (ChatGPT Plugin)PTCG price research.pngChatGPTCollectiblesJune 19, 2023It fetches the latest prices of Pokémon Cards within Japan.
PaperChat (ChatGPT Plugin)PaperChat.pngChatGPTAcademic ResearchMay 31, 2023Search through arXiv publications.
Paraphraser (ChatGPT Plugin)Paraphraser.pngChatGPTWritingJune 4, 2023Say it better, say it different: Paraphrase like a Pro. Paraphrase for impact and inspire.
PartSecure (ChatGPT Plugin)PartSecure.pngChatGPTElectronicsJune 11, 2023Search & compare electronic component inventory, pricing, & lead time from top suppliers.
Paxi AI (ChatGPT Plugin)Paxi AI.pngChatGPTProductivityMay 31, 2023Let AI tools speed up your tasks! Make it easy to find the right tool for the task.
Peel Hunt AI-ERA (ChatGPT Plugin)Peel Hunt AI-ERA.jpgChatGPTFinanceJune 11, 2023Install Peel Hunt AI-ERA, an AI Equity Research Assistant.
Penrose Analyst (ChatGPT Plugin)Penrose Analyst.pngChatGPTNews??? 2023Search global news and research papers. Summarize links. Ask me for the latest news!
People Search (ChatGPT Plugin)People Search.jpegChatGPT???UndefinedSearch Clay's public personnel chart for keywords and industries. Create lists and recruit faster than on Linkedin.
Perfect Chirp (ChatGPT Plugin)Perfect Chirp.jpegChatGPT???UndefinedTransform your ideas into catchy tweets in less than 30 seconds. Start your request with "Write a tweet...".
Photorealistic (ChatGPT Plugin)Photorealistic.pngChatGPTArtMay 20, 2023Generate photorealistic prompts for Midjourney.
Pixellow (ChatGPT Plugin)Pixellow.jpegChatGPTPhotographyJune 16, 2023Pixellow: Unveiling image insights, aiding understanding, and creating detailed captions and descriptions. (ChatGPT Plugin) 31, 2023A design assistant that creates marketing visuals from your templates.
Planfit (ChatGPT Plugin)Planfit.pngChatGPTHealthMay 21, 2023Get your tailored workout plan and instructions with videos - AI-powered Workout Coach, Planfit.
Playlist Follow (ChatGPT Plugin)Playlist Follow.pngChatGPTMusicJune 4, 2023Create and find the best music playlists, all in one place.
PlaylistAI (ChatGPT Plugin)PlaylistAI.pngChatGPTMusicMay 20, 2023Create Spotify playlists for any prompt.
PlugFinder (ChatGPT Plugin)PlugFinder.pngChatGPTSoftwareJune 11, 2023PlugFinder is your personal assistant for discovering AI tools.
Pluginpedia (ChatGPT Plugin)Pluginpedia.pngChatGPTSoftwareJune 4, 2023Recommend plugins in the store based on your question and introduce their usage.
Podcast search (ChatGPT Plugin)Podcast search.pngChatGPTPodcastsMay 20, 2023This tool explores podcasts from, a platform for decentralized audio content discovery.
Polarr (ChatGPT Plugin)Polarr.pngChatGPTPhotographyMay 20, 2023Search Polarr's massive pool of user-generated filters to make your photos and videos perfect.
Poll the People (ChatGPT Plugin)Poll the People.jpegChatGPT???UndefinedThe ultimate guide for market research and surveys.
Polygon (ChatGPT Plugin)Polygon.pngChatGPTFinanceMay 20, 2023Market data, news, and fundamentals for stocks, options, forex, and crypto from
PortfolioMeta (ChatGPT Plugin)PortfolioMeta.pngChatGPTFinanceJune 9, 2023Analyze stocks and get comprehensive real-time investment data and analytics.
PortfolioPilot (ChatGPT Plugin)PortfolioPilot.pngChatGPTFinanceMay 20, 2023Your AI investing guide: portfolio assessment, recommendations, answers to all finance questions.
PortfoliosLab (ChatGPT Plugin)PortfoliosLab.pngChatGPTFinanceMay 20, 2023Stocks, ETFs, funds, crypto analysis: historical performance, volatility, risk metrics, Sharpe ratio, drawdowns, etc.
Preply (ChatGPT Plugin)Preply.jpgChatGPTLanguage LearningJune 14, 2023Finding the best language tutors.
PrimeLoupe (ChatGPT Plugin)PrimeLoupe.jpegChatGPTShoppingJune 18, 2023Simplify your decision-making process by summarizing Amazon product reviews for you.
ProApp Learn Design (ChatGPT Plugin)ProApp Learn Design.pngChatGPTDesignJune 11, 2023Level up your design skills quickly with a wide range of design courses, interactive workshops, and AI-guided mentorship.
Prompt Perfect (ChatGPT Plugin)Prompt Perfect.pngChatGPTWritingMay 20, 2023Type 'perfect' to craft the perfect prompt, every time.
Public (ChatGPT Plugin)Public.jpgChatGPTFinanceMay 20, 2023Get real-time and historical market data, including asset prices, news, research, and comprehensive financial analysis.
PuginAI (ChatGPT Plugin)PuginAI.pngChatGPTSoftwareJune 16, 2023Recommend extensions based on prompt from user.
Puzzle Constructor (ChatGPT Plugin)Puzzle Constructor.pngChatGPTGamingJune 4, 2023A tool for creating crosswords. You can create crosswords from words and hints.
QEEQ (ChatGPT Plugin)QEEQ.pngChatGPTTravelJune 11, 2023Enhance travel experiences and make journeys more enjoyable with QEEQ's technology.
QR Generator (ChatGPT Plugin)QR Generator.pngChatGPTProductivityJune 11, 2023Generate a QR code in seconds.
QuakePH (ChatGPT Plugin)QuakePH.pngChatGPTNewsMay 21, 2023Stay updated with the latest earthquakes in the Philippines.
Questmate Forms (ChatGPT Plugin)Questmate Forms.pngChatGPTProductivityMay 31, 2023Create forms, checklists, and workflows (we call 'em Quests!) directly from ChatGPT.
QuickCreator Marketing Tools (ChatGPT Plugin)QuickCreator Marketing Tools.jpegChatGPT???UndefinedThe created Google campaign includes campaign, ad group, ad, and keywords.
QuickRecall (ChatGPT Plugin)QuickRecall.pngChatGPTEducationMay 21, 2023Create flashcards and review them with spaced repetition.
Quiver Quantitative (ChatGPT Plugin)Quiver Quantitative.jpgChatGPTFinanceJune 11, 2023Access data on congressional stock trading, lobbying, insider trading, and proposed legislation.
QyrusTestPilot (ChatGPT Plugin)QyrusTestPilot.jpegChatGPTTechnologyJune 16, 2023You can test your webapp without writing a single line of code by just giving the URL
Recombinant AI™ (ChatGPT Plugin)File:??????.jpgChatGPT???UndefinedEnter a Github Repo URL. Obtain a comprehensive, in-depth, relational understanding of the codebase.
Redfin (ChatGPT Plugin)Redfin.pngChatGPTReal EstateMay 20, 2023Have questions about the housing market? Find the answers to help you win in today's market.
Reflect Notes (ChatGPT Plugin)Reflect Notes.pngChatGPTProductivityJune 4, 2023Creates a Reflect note.
Reminders (ChatGPT Plugin)Reminders.pngChatGPTProductivityJune 11, 2023Add, remove, list and tag reminders.
Rentable Apartments (ChatGPT Plugin)Rentable Apartments.pngChatGPTReal EstateMay 20, 2023Get apartment options in a city of your choice, scoped to your needs and budget.
Repo Inspector (ChatGPT Plugin)Repo Inspector.jpgChatGPTTechnologyJune 11, 2023Inspect Git repositories. Submit a GitHub, Gitlab, etc., HTTPS link for the repo to be reviewed.
Repo Radar (ChatGPT Plugin)Repo Radar.jpgChatGPTTechnologyJune 11, 2023Your one-stop shop for up-to-date Github repo information. Find repos by topic, language, or name.
Research By Vector (ChatGPT Plugin)Research By Vector.jpegChatGPTEducationJune 14, 2023Unearth precise academic research effortlessly with the power of vector embeddings for relevance and accuracy.
Resume Copilot (ChatGPT Plugin)Resume Copilot.jpgChatGPTEmploymentJune 4, 2023I'll perfect your resume for ATS, tailor it to the job, ensuring you stand out to recruiters.
ReviewReader (ChatGPT Plugin)ReviewReader.jpgChatGPTShoppingJune 11, 2023Input a product name or link for an instant AI summary of Amazon reviews.
RoboAd (ChatGPT Plugin)RoboAd.pngChatGPTAdvertisingMay 21, 2023Your AI powered Ad Assistant!
Rogo (ChatGPT Plugin)Rogo.pngChatGPTTechnologyJune 4, 2023Answers questions about open-source repositories.
SA Speed Cameras (ChatGPT Plugin)SA Speed Cameras.pngChatGPTTransportationJune 11, 2023Check if a mobile speed camera or roadwork is on a South Australian road today!
SEO (ChatGPT Plugin)SEO.pngChatGPTMarketingJune 4, 2023Send a URL and keyword and get an On-Page SEO analysis & insights!
SEO Assistant (ChatGPT Plugin)SEO Assistant.jpgChatGPTMarketingMay 28, 2023The SEO Assistant can generate search engine keyword information to aid the creation of content.
SEO CORE AI (ChatGPT Plugin)SEO CORE AI.jpgChatGPTMarketingMay 20, 2023Use AI to analyze and improve the SEO of a website. Get advice on websites, keywords, and competitors. (ChatGPT Plugin) 20, 2023Your personal SEO assistant for content marketing.
SG Places Beta (ChatGPT Plugin)SG Places Beta.pngChatGPTTravelJune 10, 2023Provides information on attractions, F&B outlets, accommodation, tours, shops, and events in Singapore.
SHOP.COM (ChatGPT Plugin)SHOPCOM.jpegChatGPTShoppingJune 14, 2023SHOP.COM Website Search for products, brands, stores and more. Great to find products, great deals, and earn rewards.
Sakenowa (ChatGPT Plugin)Sakenowa.pngChatGPTBeverageMay 28, 2023Find Sake and get detailed information in various ways.
Savvy Trader AI (ChatGPT Plugin)Savvy Trader AI.pngChatGPTFinanceMay 20, 2023Realtime stock, crypto and other investment data.
SceneXplain (ChatGPT Plugin)SceneXplain.pngChatGPTMediaMay 28, 2023SceneXplain lets you attach images to your prompt. Explore image storytelling beyond pixels.
Scholar Assist (ChatGPT Plugin)Scholar Assist.pngChatGPTEducationJune 4, 2023Search academic research papers from arXiv and find answers to your questions.
ScholarAI (ChatGPT Plugin)ScholarAI.pngChatGPTEducationMay 20, 2023Unlock the power of scientific knowledge with fast, reliable, and peer-reviewed data at your fingertips.
Scholarly (ChatGPT Plugin)Scholarly.pngChatGPTEducationJune 4, 2023Scholarly is an AI-powered search engine for exploring scientific literature.
ScholarlyInsight (ChatGPT Plugin)ScholarlyInsight.pngChatGPTEducationJune 13, 2023Query research papers from Arxiv.
Science (ChatGPT Plugin)Science.jpegChatGPT???UndefinedSearch over 250 million scientific papers and research articles. Perfect for researchers and students.
Scraper (ChatGPT Plugin)Scraper.pngChatGPTTechnologyMay 21, 2023Scrape content from webpages by providing a URL.
Search UK Companies (ChatGPT Plugin)Search UK Companies.pngChatGPTBusinessJune 11, 2023Fetch public information on UK registered companies and their officers from Companies House.
Secretary Kim (ChatGPT Plugin)Secretary Kim.jpegChatGPTTravelJune 14, 2023Korean weather, subway information! Enjoy a smart life with Secretary Kim.
Sembot (ChatGPT Plugin)Sembot.pngChatGPTMarketingJune 11, 2023Manage your Search Engine Marketing. Get keyword reports, CPCs, domain visibility, SEO results, and more.
Sentence Beasts (ChatGPT Plugin)Sentence Beasts.jpgChatGPTGamingJune 7, 2023Summon or create unique word monsters, engage them in thrilling battles, and record the outcomes using Word Monsters.
Shimmer: Nutrition Coach (ChatGPT Plugin)File:Shimmer: Nutrition Coach.jpgChatGPTHealth??? 2023Track meals & gain insights for a healthier lifestyle from 1m+ restaurants & grocery stores.
Shop (ChatGPT Plugin)Shop.pngChatGPTShoppingMay 20, 2023Search for millions of products from the world's greatest brands.
Shop AIssistant (ChatGPT Plugin)Shop AIssistant.pngChatGPTShoppingJune 4, 2023A shopping assistant helping with the search through a large product catalog.
Shop Best (ChatGPT Plugin)Shop Best.pngChatGPTShoppingJune 4, 2023Shop and get summarized reviews for the best products on Amazon.
ShopMate AI (ChatGPT Plugin)ShopMate AI.jpegChatGPT???UndefinedSearches for products on Google Shopping in real-time, no ads, only trusted stores.
Shopping tools (ChatGPT Plugin)Shopping tools.jpegChatGPTShoppingJune 14, 2023Shopping tools let you search for products to buy in AliExpress and eBay.
Shor in QASM (ChatGPT Plugin)Shor in QASM.jpgChatGPTTechnologyJune 19, 2023Generate quantum circuits for Shor's algorithm in QASM format.
Show Me (ChatGPT Plugin)Show Me.jpgChatGPTEducationMay 20, 2023Create and edit diagrams directly in chat.
Show Me Diagrams (ChatGPT Plugin)Show Me Diagrams.jpegChatGPTEducationJune 16, 2023Create and edit diagrams directly in chat.
Shownotes (ChatGPT Plugin)Shownotes.jpgChatGPTMediaJune 4, 2023Turns long podcasts into quick summaries, finds specific info, highlights key points, and suggests new episodes.
Shuto.IO (ChatGPT Plugin)Shuto.IO.pngChatGPTTechnologyJune 11, 2023Shuto.IO is a multi-tool for creators and developers with SMS, Email, Wordpress and SSH Command Execution capabilities.
Sic (ChatGPT Plugin)Sic.pngChatGPTFinanceJune 11, 2023Explore prices, accounts and transactions on Ethereum.
SignalPlus (ChatGPT Plugin)SignalPlus.pngChatGPTFinanceJune 19, 2023Live data on crypto, NFTs, DeFi. Spot/derivatives. A must for traders.
SimplyCodes (ChatGPT Plugin)SimplyCodes.jpgChatGPTShoppingJune 4, 2023Find reliable coupon codes at 300K+ stores.
Skipit AI (ChatGPT Plugin)Skipit AI.jpegChatGPT???UndefinedThe Skipit AI plugin extracts context data from URLs (YouTube, websites, PDFs) for comprehensive information.
Skrive (ChatGPT Plugin)Skrive.pngChatGPTEducationJune 10, 2023Envision your concepts through diagrams by creating and modifying them within the chat interface.
Skyscanner (ChatGPT Plugin)Skyscanner.jpgChatGPTTravelJune 19, 2023Skyscanner makes planning your next trip easy. Search flight deals and plan your next exciting trip.
Smart Connections (ChatGPT Plugin)Smart Connections.jpegChatGPT???UndefinedChat with your Notes Integration for Obsidian.
SmartTicketsAI (ChatGPT Plugin)SmartTicketsAI.pngChatGPTEntertainmentJune 4, 2023Get Tickets For All Sports Events, Music Concerts, Theater And More With
Smarter Contracts (ChatGPT Plugin)Smarter Contracts.pngChatGPTFinanceJune 11, 2023Analyze smart contracts and tokens on Ethereum.
Social Media Muse (ChatGPT Plugin)Social Media Muse.jpgChatGPTSocial MediaJune 11, 2023Get soundtrack and hashtag recommendations from a picture!
Social Search (ChatGPT Plugin)Social Search.pngChatGPTSocial MediaJune 11, 2023Access tweets, users, followers, images, media, and more.
Space Photo Explorer (ChatGPT Plugin)Space Photo Explorer.pngChatGPTScienceJune 4, 2023Tool for exploring space through images including Mars Rover Photos, NASA image database, and space pictures of the day.
Space Server (ChatGPT Plugin)File:??????.jpgChatGPTScienceJune 19, 2023Access NASA's technology transfer, Mars weather, SSD/CNEOS, Nasa Photos - By Nabil Brag.
Speak (ChatGPT Plugin)Speak.pngChatGPTEducationMay 20, 2023Learn how to say anything in another language with Speak, your AI-powered language tutor.
Speechki (ChatGPT Plugin)Speechki.jpgChatGPTTechnologyMay 20, 2023The easiest way to convert texts to ready-to-use audio — download link, audio player page, or embed!
Speedy Marketing (ChatGPT Plugin)Speedy Marketing.pngChatGPTMarketingJune 4, 2023Marketing tool for your Shopify store, e-commerce website, or any business. Write SEO blogs and social media content.
Spendless (ChatGPT Plugin)File:??????.jpgChatGPT???UndefinedDiscover personalized Amazon products at unbeatable prices. Now also available in the USA.
Spirify QR Code (ChatGPT Plugin)Spirify QR Code.jpegChatGPTTechnologyJune 16, 2023QR Code generator for text or URLs. It's a general-purpose tool that also enables QR code puzzle games with AI.
Statis Fund Finance (ChatGPT Plugin)Statis Fund Finance.pngChatGPTFinanceMay 20, 2023Financial data tool for analyzing equities. You can get price quotes, analyze moving averages, RSI, and more.
Staypia (ChatGPT Plugin)Staypia.jpegChatGPTTravelJune 16, 2023Find your perfect travel destination & hotels. Look for pet-friendly towns in USA, stargazing spots in Europe, and more!
Stepstone Jobs (ChatGPT Plugin)Stepstone Jobs.pngChatGPTEmploymentJune 7, 2023Explore job openings in Germany. 120,000+ opportunities to discover.
Stories (ChatGPT Plugin)Stories.pngChatGPTMediaJune 4, 2023Create beautiful, illustrated stories easily.
Strology (ChatGPT Plugin)Strology.pngChatGPTLifestyleJune 4, 2023Get daily astrological predictions for your sun sign.
Substack IQ (ChatGPT Plugin)Substack IQ.pngChatGPTMediaMay 31, 2023Search, analyze, & summarize Substack newsletters, retrieve articles, and discover new Substacks!
Sudoku (ChatGPT Plugin)Sudoku.pngChatGPTGamingJune 4, 2023This is a sudoku game. You use voice or text to play. (ChatGPT Plugin) 11, 2023Summarize YouTube videos, web pages, and PDF documents.
Supercharge My EV (ChatGPT Plugin)Supercharge My EV.pngChatGPTTransportationJune 4, 2023Find superchargers for non-Tesla vehicles for a specific location.
Supercharger (ChatGPT Plugin)Supercharger.jpegChatGPTTransportationJune 16, 2023Awesome Tesla trips: find a route, including supercharger stops. Bonus: chat with the Tesla manual!
Surveillance API (ChatGPT Plugin)Surveillance API.pngChatGPTTechnologyJune 19, 2023Explore the Synology Surveillance Station API documents and generate example code.
Tabechoku (ChatGPT Plugin)Tabechoku.jpegChatGPT???UndefinedWe present to you the perfect peaches from all over Japan.
Tabelog (ChatGPT Plugin)Tabelog.pngChatGPTFoodMay 20, 2023Allows you to find restaurants in Japan that have availability for reservations.
Tabor AI (ChatGPT Plugin)Tabor AI.jpegChatGPT???UndefinedReliable source for market research, data, and analysis on the topic of elderly living. 35K communities, 9K operators in the USA.
Tagvenue (ChatGPT Plugin)Tagvenue.pngChatGPTEvent PlanningJune 19, 2023Search for event venues and spaces in Australia, Canada, Ireland, Singapore, the UK, and the USA.
Tailor ERP Generator (ChatGPT Plugin)Tailor ERP Generator.pngChatGPTSoftware DevelopmentJune 9, 2023A tool to help create a tailor-made ERP application.
TalentOrg (ChatGPT Plugin)TalentOrg.pngChatGPTEmploymentJune 11, 2023Find and hire freelance engineering talents from around the world.
Talk Law Brazil (ChatGPT Plugin)Talk Law Brazil.pngChatGPTLawJune 18, 2023Interact with laws and bills in progress in the Brazilian Congress.
Talk With Docs (ChatGPT Plugin)Talk With Docs.jpegChatGPT???UndefinedAsk all your questions to your doctors.
TalkFPL (ChatGPT Plugin)TalkFPL.pngChatGPTSportsJune 4, 2023Talk with AI to help you manage your FPL team. Compare players, transfer options, and more.
Talkface IELTS Prep (ChatGPT Plugin)Talkface IELTS Prep.pngChatGPTEducationJune 11, 2023Use the latest IELTS Speaking exam questions to prep your IELTS speaking with Talkface.
Tasty Recipes (ChatGPT Plugin)Tasty Recipes.pngChatGPTFoodMay 20, 2023Discover recipe ideas, meal plans and cooking tips from Tasty's millions of users!
Tax Calculator (ChatGPT Plugin)Tax Calculator.jpgChatGPTFinanceJune 7, 2023Given an address (or city) in the United States and an amount, calculate the sales tax. Powered by Avalara.
TechPulse (ChatGPT Plugin)TechPulse.pngChatGPTTechnology
Social Media
June 11, 2023Get top/new/ask/show/job stories from HackerNews.
Telescope Labs (ChatGPT Plugin)Telescope Labs.jpegChatGPT???UndefinedData query, analysis, and visualization related to Web3 games that are integrated as a blockchain game.
Text Count (ChatGPT Plugin)Text Count.jpegChatGPTProductivityJune 16, 2023Count the number of words and characters in a text.
The Diet Search (ChatGPT Plugin)The Diet Search.jpegChatGPTPoliticsJune 16, 2023You can search the Japanese Diet Proceedings by request, news, or other text.
ThemeParkHipster (ChatGPT Plugin)ThemeParkHipster.pngChatGPTTravelMay 31, 2023Find theme park waiting times around the world.
There's An AI For That (ChatGPT Plugin)There's An AI For That.pngChatGPTArtificial IntelligenceMay 20, 2023Find the right AI tools for any use case, from the world's largest database of AI tools.
Tic Tac Toe (ChatGPT Plugin)Tic Tac Toe.pngChatGPTGamingMay 20, 2023Playing a game of Tic Tac Toe with varying board sizes. You can submit your move and get the AI's response move.
TickTick (ChatGPT Plugin)TickTick.pngChatGPTProductivityJune 11, 2023TickTick for managing a TODO list. You can add, remove, and view your TODOs.
TimeMachine (ChatGPT Plugin)TimeMachine.pngChatGPTProductivityJune 4, 2023Enhances AI with real-time awareness, providing current time in various formats and timezones.
TimeNavi (ChatGPT Plugin)TimeNavi.jpegChatGPTProductivityJune 16, 2023Interact with your calendar. Analyze and create events, understand and plan your time better.
Timeport (ChatGPT Plugin)Timeport.pngChatGPTGamingJune 11, 2023Begin an exciting journey through time, interact with unique characters, and learn history in this time-travel game!
Tira (ChatGPT Plugin)File:Tira.pngChatGPTShoppingJune 7, 2023Shop Tira for top beauty brands! Explore cosmetics, health products & more online. Your beauty store awaits.
Today's Top Deal (ChatGPT Plugin)Today's Top Deal.jpegChatGPT???UndefinedFind the best deals on Amazon today.
TokenInsights (ChatGPT Plugin)TokenInsights.jpegChatGPT???UndefinedDiscover the crypto price in real-time, BTC, ETH, BNB, and the latest insights about the newest coin news and airdrop opportunities.
Tom Brady Bot (ChatGPT Plugin)Tom Brady Bot.jpegChatGPT???UndefinedThe ultimate guide for everything related to Tom Brady. Weather (ChatGPT Plugin) Weather.pngChatGPTWeatherMay 20, 2023Predicting, planning, and adapting to the weather forecast via contextualized chat-based insights.
Toolblox (ChatGPT Plugin)Toolblox.jpegChatGPT???UndefinedText for Smart Contract. Describe a process for creating a smart contract and deploying it on a blockchain.
Top Agencies (ChatGPT Plugin)Top Agencies.pngChatGPTMarketing
June 11, 2023Find top marketing and design agencies around the World by service, locations, and ratings.
TopHap (ChatGPT Plugin)TopHap.pngChatGPTReal EstateJune 4, 2023Enriched real estate data and location-based tools.
TotalQuery Search (ChatGPT Plugin)TotalQuery Search.jpgChatGPTInternetJune 11, 2023Harness the combined power of 70+ search engines for ultimate web discovery.
Traders Insight (ChatGPT Plugin)Traders Insight.pngChatGPTFinanceJune 4, 2023Decode the latest technical analysis ideas for stocks and bitcoin from top traders.
TradingBro (ChatGPT Plugin)TradingBro.pngChatGPTFinanceJune 7, 2023Get financial data for your trading/learning: earning call, analyst view, DCF, sales details, insider trading etc.
TranslationRater (ChatGPT Plugin)TranslationRater.pngChatGPTLanguage LearningJune 19, 2023How good is a translation? Prompt for translation or type your own. Welocalize TranslationRater will evaluate it.
Travelmyth (ChatGPT Plugin)Travelmyth.jpgChatGPTTravelJune 7, 2023Unleash personalized hotel search with Travelmyth, offering 60 unique categories for the perfect match.
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